'orbital' motion
Schoolbooks have been based on a fixed sun mistake. The caused problem is a planetary motion explanation requiring an intermittently inactive solar gravity field.
The correct answer to intermittent solar gravity is the motion of the sun's gravity field.
Apart from mistakenly employing an equivalence between acceleration and uniform motion, Galileo's above explanation of planetary motion was unable to fit with the elliptical component of Johannes Kepler's first and second laws of planetary motion.
The third of Johannes's laws was the one saying that there is a causal link between the magnitude of the sun's inverse square law at a planet's distance from the sun and the average speed of a planet relative to the sun. That link can not be investigated through fixed gravity field physics.
Kepler's Third Law
The true solution to Galileo's ascending misapprehension and planetary motion itself is all descents are relative speed changes following curved paths. The superior speed of an inverse square law relative to the accelerations caused within an inverse square law by an inverse square law is the key to orbital motion.
Or, if Sir Isaac Newton had of observed his descending apple as an acceleration relative to the motion of the planet he was on, his fixed earth sleight of hand cannonball physics would not have become part of earth bureaucracy. Meaning some sort of combination of inertia, an escape velocity and the curvature of the earth doesn't suspend our satellites above the earth. It's the motion of the earth's inverse square law that does.
This relatively slow moving curved motion can become an orbit if the descent falls through either of........
a/ The path of an inverse square law.
b/ An axis at a right angle to the path of the inverse square law.
Tomorrow's satellite launching programs need referring to the motion of the earth's inverse square law.
This relatively slow moving curved motion can become an orbit if the descent falls through either of........
a/ The path of an inverse square law.
b/ An axis at a right angle to the path of the inverse square law.
Tomorrow's satellite launching programs need referring to the motion of the earth's inverse square law.
full orbital suspension
Both of Galileo's compulsion towards the sun and a motion at a right angle to that compulsion are really ongoing ascents and descents from and to the path of an inverse square law and axii at right angles to that path.
That's Johannes Kepler. According to modern earth astronomy and relative to the centre of the galaxy, the sun travels approximately 10 times the earth - sun separation in a 1/4 year period. At the sun's distance from the centre of the galaxy, the path of the sun's inverse square law during an earth year is indifferent to that of a straight line.
In rudimentary form, the real solution to planetary motion begins on the following animations. On the first one, the elongated inverting blue curves in total are an introductory glimpse of what a year of the earth's galactic journey looks like. The important thing for an earth schoolteacher to note is, using this chosen start of the earth year point, for the first six months of the year the acceleration within the advancing blue curve is in the opposite direction to the advancement. Meaning the earth decelerates for six months. Then accelerates for next six months and so on around the galaxy. [In three dimension the angle of the planets to the path of the sun is currently reckoned to be about 60 degrees. Not the zero degrees as appears on this two dimensional animation. Thus the 60 km/sec absolute speed differential over a six month period will be less.]
The growing red arc is what current schoolteachers are tuned to. The growing red arc is not what an earth year looks like.
The elongated inverting blue curves is where a proper reckoning of the nuances of galactic planetary motion and the earth year commences.
The fact of a biannual earth speed differential within the motion of the sun's inverse square law is not dependent on the direction or speed of the sun's inverse square law. Counter to existing concepts of relativity, motions within inverse square laws relative to the motion of the inverse square law are isolated from motions outside the inverse square.
Through Kepler's third law we can work out that every increment of blue curve advancement of the earth is the equivalent of a straight line speed change rate of about 0.0000059 metres/sec/sec. In contrast, something dropped at the earth's surface has a much greater speed change rate of 9.8 m/s/s along its curved path. Using a larger distance parameter and one larger time parameter, the earth's constant speed change along its curved path is about 0.512 km/sec/day.
The hidden rocket science is an ongoing inverting curving speed change becomes a cyclical zero speed change if the inversions become the completion of a 'circle' around a central point like that of a 'uniformly' moving star.
The telescopic resources of government bureaucracies are required for greater and also three dimensional accuracy. This does not compromise the fact that the reason the planets are not spiraling into the sun is the motion of the sun's inverse square law. Not Galileo's four hundred year old fixed sun mistake.
Someone else has a less to the point (the planets should be in front of the sun half the time) but more cinematic moving sun animation on YouTube.
The elongated inverting blue curves is where a proper reckoning of the nuances of galactic planetary motion and the earth year commences.
The fact of a biannual earth speed differential within the motion of the sun's inverse square law is not dependent on the direction or speed of the sun's inverse square law. Counter to existing concepts of relativity, motions within inverse square laws relative to the motion of the inverse square law are isolated from motions outside the inverse square.
Through Kepler's third law we can work out that every increment of blue curve advancement of the earth is the equivalent of a straight line speed change rate of about 0.0000059 metres/sec/sec. In contrast, something dropped at the earth's surface has a much greater speed change rate of 9.8 m/s/s along its curved path. Using a larger distance parameter and one larger time parameter, the earth's constant speed change along its curved path is about 0.512 km/sec/day.
The hidden rocket science is an ongoing inverting curving speed change becomes a cyclical zero speed change if the inversions become the completion of a 'circle' around a central point like that of a 'uniformly' moving star.
The telescopic resources of government bureaucracies are required for greater and also three dimensional accuracy. This does not compromise the fact that the reason the planets are not spiraling into the sun is the motion of the sun's inverse square law. Not Galileo's four hundred year old fixed sun mistake.
Someone else has a less to the point (the planets should be in front of the sun half the time) but more cinematic moving sun animation on YouTube.
The indispensable knowledge is the earth's apparent direction of fall towards the sun orbits the sun. In a pendulous rhythm, the earth itself swings across the speed of the sun. When earth schoolteachers are in their classrooms, they and their students are on a galactic journey, not a journey around a fixed sun, etc.
From the space venture point of view, there is already moving inverse square law physics in use.
The gravity assist technique used by a passing spacecraft to gain relative velocity is actually at the heart of where planetary motion tutelage should be. The technique would not work if the inverse square law of Jupiter, for example, was considered to be fixed in space in the way Galileo and Sir Isaac Newton considered the sun's inverse square law to be fixed in space. It is the motion of the gravity field of Jupiter that is used to increase the velocity of the spacecraft relative to the sun.
To reiterate, what Galileo did 400 years ago was confuse the path of the sun's inverse square law with the irrelevant consideration of where the earth would go to if the sun did not have an inverse square law.
To reiterate, what Galileo did 400 years ago was confuse the path of the sun's inverse square law with the irrelevant consideration of where the earth would go to if the sun did not have an inverse square law.
The critical post fixed sun conundrum that arises is the one of how and why the moon accelerates and decelerates in accordance with both the sun and earth inverse square laws.
The sun - earth - moon relative motions are the riddle in search of the next generation's solution.
This statement was historically made by Sir Isaac in a fixed sun age. Sir Isaac's ignorance about the motion of a gravity field means he was not an appropriate or true calculator of the motions' of heavenly bodies.
The overriding scholastic point about Sir Isaac's calculations = the Copernican revolution was a correction of bureaucratic standards from a fixed earth error to a fixed sun error.
Something else worth considering is, using the sinusoidal nature of a planetary year, there is the possibility of calculating the absolute speed of the sun. A lot of challenging unknowns are attached to the task.
Ignoring the ellipse and the angle of the path of the sun to the 'orbits' of the planets around the sun, the angle (phi) between the path of a planet and the path of the sun is......
This statement was historically made by Sir Isaac in a fixed sun age. Sir Isaac's ignorance about the motion of a gravity field means he was not an appropriate or true calculator of the motions' of heavenly bodies.
The overriding scholastic point about Sir Isaac's calculations = the Copernican revolution was a correction of bureaucratic standards from a fixed earth error to a fixed sun error.
Something else worth considering is, using the sinusoidal nature of a planetary year, there is the possibility of calculating the absolute speed of the sun. A lot of challenging unknowns are attached to the task.
Ignoring the ellipse and the angle of the path of the sun to the 'orbits' of the planets around the sun, the angle (phi) between the path of a planet and the path of the sun is......
Where a planet cuts across the path of the sun is where a consideration of the calculation of the speed of the sun can be done.
Allowing planetary motion to be two dimensional and a constant distance from and speed relative to the sun, while the sun travels from where it was when a planet cuts across its path to the cut across point, the planet advances around the sun through the angle phi.
Problems outlined overcome, calculating the speed of the sun is still a sizable task for future astronomy to undertake. Separate equations involving V and phi is the starting point. Understanding ocean heights properly is the more important chore at hand. Newton's first law of motion also needs its neglected tidy up.