Which is the most important to deal with first?
Newton’s lie about the gravity of the universe.
Or the tides through vectors and not that
magical lunar reach that is yet to make any
mathematical sense? First let me introduce
myself. I am somebody Newton and Einstein
were not. A simple genius. Those others were
both mathematical geniuses. They knew
nothing except how to employ the universe
to make 1 + 1 = 2 as complex an equation as
possible. A simple genius is someone who
likes truth. More so believes truth is the only
plausible solution to those in positions of
power tossing out unchecked lies. The ones
that poison honest people into distraction
while the liar continues to rule the roost. You
may be a simple genius too. First to deal with
is Newton’s barefaced lie about the gravity of
the universe.
No one in the current world is likely to believe this.
A pity as that may be, Sir Isaac Newton has
misunderstood the universe. He did this when he
accepted the idea that the high tide under the moon
is the result of a direct gravitational pull by the
moon. According to the vectors, it is a consequence
of the interactions of the opposite directions of
earth and moon gravities along the axis that runs
between the earth and the moon centres. When you
get into wanting to understand the tides at a
personal level, this becomes inarguable.
For the free world, though, if it wishes to remove a
false belief out of its systems of education, it will
not be easy. It means all mathematical physicists,
including Albert Einstein, are not honest scholars
of vectors or the universe.
A pity as that may be, Sir Isaac Newton has
misunderstood the universe. He did this when he
accepted the idea that the high tide under the moon
is the result of a direct gravitational pull by the
moon. According to the vectors, it is a consequence
of the interactions of the opposite directions of
earth and moon gravities along the axis that runs
between the earth and the moon centres. When you
get into wanting to understand the tides at a
personal level, this becomes inarguable.
For the free world, though, if it wishes to remove a
false belief out of its systems of education, it will
not be easy. It means all mathematical physicists,
including Albert Einstein, are not honest scholars
of vectors or the universe.
Chapter 1
I do not hanker to detail my life to excess. The most probable reason of the universe is a ratio. 3,14159......... The world is nowhere in as a bad a shape as you might assess. Sometime in the past, being honest has gained value relative to deliberate deception. Dictators aside, most are there with that. What we are suffering is innocent deception. Schoolteachers deceiving students. Last night I had a dream. I dropped a spanner. This could have come out of a guilty conscience. You see I grew up on a farm. I killed my mother. Or so my father said. If I had been home on the farm where I belonged the accident wouldn't have happened. It had become my father's dream that my older brother should follow him onto the farm he had established. After coming through the second world wat unscathed, he had borrowed some money with his father's support and purchased some land after share farming for a while. Then the rabbit. This is Australia and they are only here because of stupid white man. If you are Australian you know the story. Anyway he was tidying up a paddock for cropping in 1949. Saw a rabbit. Reached into his truck for the shotgun. It was on the seat. It discharged into his hip. Luckily no major artery was severed or he would have most likely have bled to his end then and there. His brother was on a tractor. Heard the shot and came to his aid. He managed to get him medical attention and the journey to walking again began. In hospital in Melbourne he met a nurse and they, you can guess it. They got married. The farm was in the south Wimmera of Victoria and the nurse had been born in the goldfields of Western Australia.
After school, I agreed to go onto the farm. But I wanted to drive around Australia first. He was never particularly wealthy but had had a windfall with a hail damaged oat crop. Paid over the odds and still stripped the crop. So he wanted to do a world trip first. After they got back, I set off. Wrote a letter home after a while. My mother picked it up at the local post office. Went back into the post office to retrieve a letter she had posted to me. My letter advised that I wouldn’t be headed to the address she had sent it to. It was actually my twenty second birthday. The twenty third of October 1975. It was pouring rain and she didn’t see a train and was killed instantly.
So a thirty year torturous relationship began between my father and I. He died in 2010 and for the last few years of his life, we were friends. He had become bedridden and that’s enough of that.
Except to say that his intention had become that my older brother would get the lion’s share of the farm and I would be the farmhand. It wasn’t a situation that could work so I wanted out. But that wasn’t easy. He had emotional and legal tentacles. He was quite a good farmer for his time. Often a step ahead. But he was to live his life without a will. He had married again and there was stepsisters in existence so, as you can imagine, towards the end there was tensions everywhere. In the last year of his life he wasn’t really in a position to make decisions about his estate. But he get engage a solicitor to make a will. And he signed it.The solicitor had drawn up a document that more or less put my older brother and I on equal terms. After the thirty years of angst, what I considered to be just was there without me having to push my case at all.
Chapter 2
I do not hanker to detail my life to excess. The most probable reason of the universe is a ratio. 3,14159......... The world is nowhere in as a bad a shape as you might assess. Sometime in the past, being honest has gained value relative to deliberate deception. Dictators aside, most are there with that. What we are suffering is innocent deception. Schoolteachers deceiving students. Last night I had a dream. I dropped a spanner. This could have come out of a guilty conscience. You see I grew up on a farm. I killed my mother. Or so my father said. If I had been home on the farm where I belonged the accident wouldn't have happened. It had become my father's dream that my older brother should follow him onto the farm he had established. After coming through the second world wat unscathed, he had borrowed some money with his father's support and purchased some land after share farming for a while. Then the rabbit. This is Australia and they are only here because of stupid white man. If you are Australian you know the story. Anyway he was tidying up a paddock for cropping in 1949. Saw a rabbit. Reached into his truck for the shotgun. It was on the seat. It discharged into his hip. Luckily no major artery was severed or he would have most likely have bled to his end then and there. His brother was on a tractor. Heard the shot and came to his aid. He managed to get him medical attention and the journey to walking again began. In hospital in Melbourne he met a nurse and they, you can guess it. They got married. The farm was in the south Wimmera of Victoria and the nurse had been born in the goldfields of Western Australia.
After school, I agreed to go onto the farm. But I wanted to drive around Australia first. He was never particularly wealthy but had had a windfall with a hail damaged oat crop. Paid over the odds and still stripped the crop. So he wanted to do a world trip first. After they got back, I set off. Wrote a letter home after a while. My mother picked it up at the local post office. Went back into the post office to retrieve a letter she had posted to me. My letter advised that I wouldn’t be headed to the address she had sent it to. It was actually my twenty second birthday. The twenty third of October 1975. It was pouring rain and she didn’t see a train and was killed instantly.
So a thirty year torturous relationship began between my father and I. He died in 2010 and for the last few years of his life, we were friends. He had become bedridden and that’s enough of that.
Except to say that his intention had become that my older brother would get the lion’s share of the farm and I would be the farmhand. It wasn’t a situation that could work so I wanted out. But that wasn’t easy. He had emotional and legal tentacles. He was quite a good farmer for his time. Often a step ahead. But he was to live his life without a will. He had married again and there was stepsisters in existence so, as you can imagine, towards the end there was tensions everywhere. In the last year of his life he wasn’t really in a position to make decisions about his estate. But he get engage a solicitor to make a will. And he signed it.The solicitor had drawn up a document that more or less put my older brother and I on equal terms. After the thirty years of angst, what I considered to be just was there without me having to push my case at all.
Chapter 2
In the beginning there was nothing. Or so the religious story went. There was really space, though. And space was not nothing. Space was length, width, breadth and believe. Nothing would be an absence of the three dimensions. In reality the religious story was unable to explain what an original nothing could be. Thus the foundation of religion was a folly of mankind.
Space was expanding at infinite rate into a size beyond comprehension. Then it naturally stopped. The right angles between length width and breadth were all exactly born in an instant. The evolution of infinite distance was taking on a new form. Space had ended on the outside. On the inside the relationship between the circumference and the diameter was mathematically inexact. The fracturing of space into three dimensional particles in motion was beginning. A crude universe of matter and momentum were simultaneously born. The calculation of a number of infinite length began. It is to be the ratio between the circumference and it’s diameter The first digits of this number were 3.1459. The calculation is performed by length width and breadth fracturing into particles of length, width As the number expanded the infinite expansion evolved into partculate matter the man came to be he first called this birth to be the supernatural. He was yet to understand geometry and science. he called the supernatural God and God had created man in the image of God in the centre of all things. it all made sense to man . Later when man worked out that the earth wasn't fixed in the centre of all things he mused that the supernatural might be a bang. A big one. The supernatural though was the end of the expansion of space and the beginning of equal and opposite forces. The expansion of space was one force. Its opposite the limit.
Space was expanding at infinite rate into a size beyond comprehension. Then it naturally stopped. The right angles between length width and breadth were all exactly born in an instant. The evolution of infinite distance was taking on a new form. Space had ended on the outside. On the inside the relationship between the circumference and the diameter was mathematically inexact. The fracturing of space into three dimensional particles in motion was beginning. A crude universe of matter and momentum were simultaneously born. The calculation of a number of infinite length began. It is to be the ratio between the circumference and it’s diameter The first digits of this number were 3.1459. The calculation is performed by length width and breadth fracturing into particles of length, width As the number expanded the infinite expansion evolved into partculate matter the man came to be he first called this birth to be the supernatural. He was yet to understand geometry and science. he called the supernatural God and God had created man in the image of God in the centre of all things. it all made sense to man . Later when man worked out that the earth wasn't fixed in the centre of all things he mused that the supernatural might be a bang. A big one. The supernatural though was the end of the expansion of space and the beginning of equal and opposite forces. The expansion of space was one force. Its opposite the limit.
Hello. the first lesson involves the sun. The question of whether or not the sun always has its gravity. The idea of these lessons is not to cause future splits between the highly educated and the not so highly educated. Currently the highly educated believe the sun can be considered to not have it's gravity when understanding why the planets are going around the sun.
What a gravity field is
tidal shape of the earth
understanding the tides is our connection with the universe
biggest positive news
an ocean cannot be weighted in two directions at once
explain the tides
centre of the earth weightless
existing tidal ideas
orbital speed of next planet out in the next planet in
far fetched
inner 3 table
outer planets
tidal shape of the earth
understanding the tides is our connection with the universe
biggest positive news
an ocean cannot be weighted in two directions at once
explain the tides
centre of the earth weightless
existing tidal ideas
orbital speed of next planet out in the next planet in
far fetched
inner 3 table
outer planets
1/ Tides/every particle in the universe is not attracting every other particle in the universe.
2/ Gravity fields in motion/sorting out Newton's first law of motion.
3/ Geometric mathematical understanding of the impossibility of infinite 3D distance/time/conservation of energy.
4/ Evolution. Sexual mechanic/life after death question
2/ Gravity fields in motion/sorting out Newton's first law of motion.
3/ Geometric mathematical understanding of the impossibility of infinite 3D distance/time/conservation of energy.
4/ Evolution. Sexual mechanic/life after death question
1/ If Newton's third law is a true science
2/ If Newton's second law is a legitimate weight measuring axiom
3/ Newton third law equal and opposite forces / weights across the centre of the earth is the correct explanation of observed concurrent like opposite tidal pairs up here on the surface of the earth.
2/ If Newton's second law is a legitimate weight measuring axiom
3/ Newton third law equal and opposite forces / weights across the centre of the earth is the correct explanation of observed concurrent like opposite tidal pairs up here on the surface of the earth.