****day 10 school days
Well good morning moving inverse square professors. There is 24 hours in an earth day. There is also 24 hours in a Mars day.
This morning you have a flight path to rotation rates for your fill in impostor professor. And this morning, professors, we are going to call Sir Isaac Newton a stupid elf. One who caused mathematics to explode into a false science called "mathematical fizzdics". Well, what we will really be doing is considering the earth-Mars 24 hour system. We will find it very difficult to do this without stopping at regular intervals and quietly whispering to each other "fee, fo, fi, fum, the world just got trolled for three hundred years by your silly Englishmun".
This morning you have a flight path to rotation rates for your fill in impostor professor. And this morning, professors, we are going to call Sir Isaac Newton a stupid elf. One who caused mathematics to explode into a false science called "mathematical fizzdics". Well, what we will really be doing is considering the earth-Mars 24 hour system. We will find it very difficult to do this without stopping at regular intervals and quietly whispering to each other "fee, fo, fi, fum, the world just got trolled for three hundred years by your silly Englishmun".
Professors, garden path planetary motion professors will get to have more idea if that moving sun Copernican update ever sees the light of day.
Apart from a transit being an alignment of two planets with the sun, the things for you to note are the inner two planets are like the moon. Have rotation periods of the order of their orbital periods. And outer adjacent planets are pairs with similar rotation periods.
If you can note that, it's all pretty interesting for a moving inverse square law professor.
Now, you can look it up or work it out yourself. Venus turns backwards on its axis once whilst this fixed sun professor planet we are on does 2/3's of its solar cycle. And, every 584 earth days, the same face of Venus is always towards our planet when Venus passes between us and the sun. There are a few other little rotational/cyclical ratios between the inner three planets as well. You'll find them when you do your research and investigations.
So professors, when you get to see the tides of a planet as equal and opposite, in time you should see that, minus a moon or moons, the solar low tide axis of a planet becomes a circle around the sun at a planet's distance from the sun.
Then, if the earth - moon high tides run through the Venus inverse square law during a transit, the low tide axis of the earth - sun system gets marginally shifted out of this circle toward the 'orbits' of the next planet in and the next planet out as the earth moves forward.
At the same time the Venus inverse square law is being turned backwards as Venus and the earth move forward.
If you get some spare time after your chores tonight, you could do worse than having a go at it.
It's complex.
It appears that the earth's lunar tides are really the earth's solar tides but getting moved around the earth by the moon.
Naturally an impostor professor will never get much worthwhile worked out. There may not be anything in it. Alternatively, you do sort of need a spatial picture of the structure of an inverse square law field in your head first for all this.
Apart from a transit being an alignment of two planets with the sun, the things for you to note are the inner two planets are like the moon. Have rotation periods of the order of their orbital periods. And outer adjacent planets are pairs with similar rotation periods.
If you can note that, it's all pretty interesting for a moving inverse square law professor.
Now, you can look it up or work it out yourself. Venus turns backwards on its axis once whilst this fixed sun professor planet we are on does 2/3's of its solar cycle. And, every 584 earth days, the same face of Venus is always towards our planet when Venus passes between us and the sun. There are a few other little rotational/cyclical ratios between the inner three planets as well. You'll find them when you do your research and investigations.
So professors, when you get to see the tides of a planet as equal and opposite, in time you should see that, minus a moon or moons, the solar low tide axis of a planet becomes a circle around the sun at a planet's distance from the sun.
Then, if the earth - moon high tides run through the Venus inverse square law during a transit, the low tide axis of the earth - sun system gets marginally shifted out of this circle toward the 'orbits' of the next planet in and the next planet out as the earth moves forward.
At the same time the Venus inverse square law is being turned backwards as Venus and the earth move forward.
If you get some spare time after your chores tonight, you could do worse than having a go at it.
It's complex.
It appears that the earth's lunar tides are really the earth's solar tides but getting moved around the earth by the moon.
Naturally an impostor professor will never get much worthwhile worked out. There may not be anything in it. Alternatively, you do sort of need a spatial picture of the structure of an inverse square law field in your head first for all this.
Professors, if these diagrams have meaning, their key is the different relative speeds of the 'orbit' hopping tidal axes. As the planets move a quarter of their ways around the sun, the axes move from a high tide axis to mid tide axes for the outer planet. And the tangent approximates being the true low tides axis of an inner planet. And also sorry about the stupid anus joke. It seems to have slipped in from the fart class next door. And it wouldn't hurt to keep an open mind about the Martians. If a flight path to rotation rates can be an impostor professor, it means the unexpected does happen.
Professors of the fixed sun variety, it pains an impostor flight path to rotation rates professor to say this. Until you are having a crack at similar and synchronised rotation rates of adjacent planets, you are grade 2 trolls hoping to one day be as good a troll as a stupid English elf. To explain this further, you do in fact have a condition known as ETA. So professors, please treat yourselves and each other kindly. At this stage there is no known cure for Extreme Truth Aversion. Hold each others hand as you cross the road.
The unfortunate side of this ETA condition is it can cause Sir Isaac Newton induced delusions about Johannes Kepler's three laws of planetary motion. As you know, the sun is still fixed for you.
Professors of the fixed sun variety, it pains an impostor flight path to rotation rates professor to say this. Until you are having a crack at similar and synchronised rotation rates of adjacent planets, you are grade 2 trolls hoping to one day be as good a troll as a stupid English elf. To explain this further, you do in fact have a condition known as ETA. So professors, please treat yourselves and each other kindly. At this stage there is no known cure for Extreme Truth Aversion. Hold each others hand as you cross the road.
The unfortunate side of this ETA condition is it can cause Sir Isaac Newton induced delusions about Johannes Kepler's three laws of planetary motion. As you know, the sun is still fixed for you.
- The orbit of a planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of the two foci.
- A line segment joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time.
- The preferred flight path to rotation rates layout of Kepler's third law is below.
Professors, Kepler's third law says nothing but a planet's speed relative to the sun is a consequence of the sun's inverse square law, not a consequence of some original momentum or whatever your ETA condition is still unfortunately trolling out. How Sir Isaac was originally so stupid to miss this you may never know.
Well you might. Just be careful not to mention the war. Sir Isaac was a bizarre trolling elf with stupid English desire to perform an abstract fixed sun intellectual utopia between Italy's inertial circles and Germany's ellipses.
So professors, the understanding of these three laws will have the motion of the sun's inverse square law field completely factored into the three laws. The basic explanation of the third law is almost undoubtedly that all descents due to gravity are curving relative motions. The explanation of the ellipse is likely to be found in the rotation rate table. That is Kepler's third law is causing the second law and the first law is just a statement in deference to a perfect circle around a fixed sun. It is interesting stuff for a genuine moving sun professor.
Yes. Rotation rates entering Kepler's work maybe a chance to flick your professional fixed sun celestial conscience away from trolling an original bang into societies. Allowing rotation rates/day lengths to check into your celestial outlook would be rather good. The thing to remember is all these diagrams are travelling at 220 km/sec. Or some such speed. They are diagrams of the positions of adjacent planets a quarter cycle after an inner planet's transit of the next planet out. If a moving inverse square law professor can get on top of rotation rates, they will illuminate a planet. These are all scale diagrams minus the ellipses and minus the angle of the path of the sun to the paths of the planets. They all have a curious approximate tangent or true low tide axis. And, interestingly, after a quarter cycle, the earth - Venus tide axes in question are very close to a right angle whilst the Venus 'orbit' of the sun is the one closest to that of a circle.
Well you might. Just be careful not to mention the war. Sir Isaac was a bizarre trolling elf with stupid English desire to perform an abstract fixed sun intellectual utopia between Italy's inertial circles and Germany's ellipses.
So professors, the understanding of these three laws will have the motion of the sun's inverse square law field completely factored into the three laws. The basic explanation of the third law is almost undoubtedly that all descents due to gravity are curving relative motions. The explanation of the ellipse is likely to be found in the rotation rate table. That is Kepler's third law is causing the second law and the first law is just a statement in deference to a perfect circle around a fixed sun. It is interesting stuff for a genuine moving sun professor.
Yes. Rotation rates entering Kepler's work maybe a chance to flick your professional fixed sun celestial conscience away from trolling an original bang into societies. Allowing rotation rates/day lengths to check into your celestial outlook would be rather good. The thing to remember is all these diagrams are travelling at 220 km/sec. Or some such speed. They are diagrams of the positions of adjacent planets a quarter cycle after an inner planet's transit of the next planet out. If a moving inverse square law professor can get on top of rotation rates, they will illuminate a planet. These are all scale diagrams minus the ellipses and minus the angle of the path of the sun to the paths of the planets. They all have a curious approximate tangent or true low tide axis. And, interestingly, after a quarter cycle, the earth - Venus tide axes in question are very close to a right angle whilst the Venus 'orbit' of the sun is the one closest to that of a circle.
Professors, before your garden path planetary motion professor cranks up again, you could whack the various ellipses on and have some fun with it. The interesting thing is the tangent from an inner planet is directed in the region of the next planet out a quarter cycle beyond the transit of the inner planet.
The way the planets are always tending towards a complete alignment suggests the inverse square laws of the planets are a tension within the motion of the sun's inverse square law.
On one hand the planets have the relative speed that the motion of the sun's inverse square law supplies at a planet's distance from the sun. (Kepler's third law)
On the other, adjacent planetary inverse square laws are tidally pushing on each other with their various relative speeds within the motion of the sun's inverse square law and inspiring mutual relative speeds for each other.
These inspirations appear as the rotation rates of the planets and the ellipses (Kepler's second law). Maybe anyway. Moving inverse square law professors will work it out. Pluto's inverse square law seems to be marginally outside the tension. Not sure. Conjecture about his relationship with Brahe aside, that Johannes Kepler was a beauty. Not really the Bode perspective, but the distances of the planets from the sun looks like being to do with each other and it's likely to be the planets that are turning the sun's inverse square law. Time for your paper plane and orange juice break.
The way the planets are always tending towards a complete alignment suggests the inverse square laws of the planets are a tension within the motion of the sun's inverse square law.
On one hand the planets have the relative speed that the motion of the sun's inverse square law supplies at a planet's distance from the sun. (Kepler's third law)
On the other, adjacent planetary inverse square laws are tidally pushing on each other with their various relative speeds within the motion of the sun's inverse square law and inspiring mutual relative speeds for each other.
These inspirations appear as the rotation rates of the planets and the ellipses (Kepler's second law). Maybe anyway. Moving inverse square law professors will work it out. Pluto's inverse square law seems to be marginally outside the tension. Not sure. Conjecture about his relationship with Brahe aside, that Johannes Kepler was a beauty. Not really the Bode perspective, but the distances of the planets from the sun looks like being to do with each other and it's likely to be the planets that are turning the sun's inverse square law. Time for your paper plane and orange juice break.
Welcome back professors. Hopefully rotation rate considerations have refreshed you enough to take on a boring task. We now have to call Sir Isaac Newton the super earth troll. If we could avoid doing this, we could get our togs on and go for a dip in tidal champagne. Really professors, it should be time for you to be organising your moving inverse square laws social functions. Celebrate the motions of inverse square laws and the whole world will celebrate with you. It's post Sir Isaac party time for you.
For now Sir Isaac saying one mass was a part cause of its attraction to another mass was the give away about us having a trolling elf on our hands. How could the earth help the moon draw the earth to the moon? There is silly and there is English troll man.
Without knowledge of how oppositely directed inverse square laws can mathematically or physically co-exist in space, or unify as one in space acting in two directions at once, well the elf did give us a few clues about his trolling. Opposite vectors impact upon each other.
Courtesy of government funded education, the elf's failure to investigate the arithmetic of the opposite directions of inverse square laws meant the celestial outlook of the planet was to fall into hands of the apprentice trolls. Otherwise known as TMMPs or the morons mathematical physicists.
Of course the G in Cavendish experiments does seem to be genuine. It is a moving sun professor's job after class to work out just what it means. The small masses are cancelled out and take no part in the derivation. And the large mass doesn't move. It appears that the experiments show M/(g.d.d) = a constant for all values of M where M is a mass, d is a distance from the centre of M and g is a rate of acceleration at d towards the centre of M. The tides say there is much more to it than that. But it does look like there is a basic gravity constant found from a multiplication of mass by its surface area.
After that, professors, if you get around to reckoning that the 0.512 km/sec approximate straight line earth daily speed change must mean that there is a system of 14 day pushes between our earth and moon inverse square laws, what we probably have is the evolution of critical knowledge in the wings. Space is matter.
If so, there will be a force away from our earth as in the earth's atomic mass displacing spontaneous space particles and creating an inverse square law acceleration field around the earth.
A spontaneous space particle being what automatically exists to fill a void. The trick being spherical (four dimensional) particles can never exactly fill a void.
The opposite force will be traceable to the extremity of space. Have fun working it out but the reason of a curved acceleration towards the path of this planet will or would be along the lines of increasing spontaneous space particle size as the surface area around the earth increases. The larger the space particles, the longer it takes for atomic mass to fall between the particles. Just have fun with it all, smell your roses. You might come up with it a bit better but an inverse square law in space says the nature of space changes with vertical distance.
Finally, super fixed sun professor, in some ways the celestial woes you are currently causing us began with Geometric Euclid. Not with your good friend, Sir Isaac The Elf Who Came To Town In The Total Nude.
Geometric Euclid lived before anybody even came up with a heaven and hell B.C. A.D. calendar. Some say Geometric was born in the once highly intelligent circle drawing Middle East over two thousand years ago. Others say he was a Trojan horse and lived on a sunny Greek island with a donkey. Over to you Geometric.
For now Sir Isaac saying one mass was a part cause of its attraction to another mass was the give away about us having a trolling elf on our hands. How could the earth help the moon draw the earth to the moon? There is silly and there is English troll man.
Without knowledge of how oppositely directed inverse square laws can mathematically or physically co-exist in space, or unify as one in space acting in two directions at once, well the elf did give us a few clues about his trolling. Opposite vectors impact upon each other.
Courtesy of government funded education, the elf's failure to investigate the arithmetic of the opposite directions of inverse square laws meant the celestial outlook of the planet was to fall into hands of the apprentice trolls. Otherwise known as TMMPs or the morons mathematical physicists.
Of course the G in Cavendish experiments does seem to be genuine. It is a moving sun professor's job after class to work out just what it means. The small masses are cancelled out and take no part in the derivation. And the large mass doesn't move. It appears that the experiments show M/(g.d.d) = a constant for all values of M where M is a mass, d is a distance from the centre of M and g is a rate of acceleration at d towards the centre of M. The tides say there is much more to it than that. But it does look like there is a basic gravity constant found from a multiplication of mass by its surface area.
After that, professors, if you get around to reckoning that the 0.512 km/sec approximate straight line earth daily speed change must mean that there is a system of 14 day pushes between our earth and moon inverse square laws, what we probably have is the evolution of critical knowledge in the wings. Space is matter.
If so, there will be a force away from our earth as in the earth's atomic mass displacing spontaneous space particles and creating an inverse square law acceleration field around the earth.
A spontaneous space particle being what automatically exists to fill a void. The trick being spherical (four dimensional) particles can never exactly fill a void.
The opposite force will be traceable to the extremity of space. Have fun working it out but the reason of a curved acceleration towards the path of this planet will or would be along the lines of increasing spontaneous space particle size as the surface area around the earth increases. The larger the space particles, the longer it takes for atomic mass to fall between the particles. Just have fun with it all, smell your roses. You might come up with it a bit better but an inverse square law in space says the nature of space changes with vertical distance.
Finally, super fixed sun professor, in some ways the celestial woes you are currently causing us began with Geometric Euclid. Not with your good friend, Sir Isaac The Elf Who Came To Town In The Total Nude.
Geometric Euclid lived before anybody even came up with a heaven and hell B.C. A.D. calendar. Some say Geometric was born in the once highly intelligent circle drawing Middle East over two thousand years ago. Others say he was a Trojan horse and lived on a sunny Greek island with a donkey. Over to you Geometric.
That might be enough from you, Geometric. Remember starting that infinite straight line joke. It's now rotation rate school time. We now have gig after gig of memory and heaps of WiFi all over your planet. That infinite straight line joke of yours is interwoven into all this with grade two trolls saying there is a space time continuum. And the grade two trolls wouldn't know what time was if they fell over it on the way back from their next semester. Laugh you may, from all accounts your WiFi truly sucked. Look who's laughing now.
If there are ever any moving inverse square professors, you are going to have to work the universe out for this planet. Look at the stars at night and estimate the size of space in all directions at once for a start is the advice. As we said at the beginning of the lesson, Sir Isaac Newton was a years ago mathematical elf who caused a mathematics to explode into untruth. Importantly, elves forever professors trolling out every particle in the universe is helping cause every other particle in the universe to be falling every which-a-way at once.
Sir Silly Elf evidently wanted to be smartest troll in the big smart troll room. And things got worse. His calculus came to dominate the big smart troll room. Calculus equates the infinitesimal with zero and the very large with infinity. These are errors. The infinitesimal exists and infinity doesn't. Unfortunately for the goblin sector of the universe, calculus is a rough mathematical tool, not the perfection hyped up goblins credit it with being.
Nearly lunchtime for you professors. If you have been mocking your seemingly impertinent elf calling fill in flight path to rotation rates impostor professor, well, fair enough.
On the other hand, if you aren't ridiculing and you get yourselves past undressed eighteenth century goblins, you could do your best with the galactic situation the radio telescope has discovered us to be in. Make a plan for the future, etc.
We are......
1/ On a galactic journey.
2/ On a planet
3/ With a similar rotation rate to an immediate outer adjacent planet
4/ With an immediate inner adjacent planet turning in sync with the forward galactic movement of our planet.
5/ With thousands of trolling elf professors still saying every particle in the universe attracts every other particle in the universe.
It's been fun getting into a digital age with your elf's mutual law of gravitation, professors. But time for us to move on from the past centuries trolling and onto your fine latter day discovery of the motions of the stars. This afternoon and weather permitting we will be studying the wind and visiting a national park. If its raining please bring your gas marks. We will then be staying indoors and studying the wondrous odour of elves.
Professors, if your garden path planetary motion professor returns, remember you can only call a professor stupid when they are. This rotation rate class is now dismissed. Goodbye and good luck with your chores.
If there are ever any moving inverse square professors, you are going to have to work the universe out for this planet. Look at the stars at night and estimate the size of space in all directions at once for a start is the advice. As we said at the beginning of the lesson, Sir Isaac Newton was a years ago mathematical elf who caused a mathematics to explode into untruth. Importantly, elves forever professors trolling out every particle in the universe is helping cause every other particle in the universe to be falling every which-a-way at once.
Sir Silly Elf evidently wanted to be smartest troll in the big smart troll room. And things got worse. His calculus came to dominate the big smart troll room. Calculus equates the infinitesimal with zero and the very large with infinity. These are errors. The infinitesimal exists and infinity doesn't. Unfortunately for the goblin sector of the universe, calculus is a rough mathematical tool, not the perfection hyped up goblins credit it with being.
Nearly lunchtime for you professors. If you have been mocking your seemingly impertinent elf calling fill in flight path to rotation rates impostor professor, well, fair enough.
On the other hand, if you aren't ridiculing and you get yourselves past undressed eighteenth century goblins, you could do your best with the galactic situation the radio telescope has discovered us to be in. Make a plan for the future, etc.
We are......
1/ On a galactic journey.
2/ On a planet
3/ With a similar rotation rate to an immediate outer adjacent planet
4/ With an immediate inner adjacent planet turning in sync with the forward galactic movement of our planet.
5/ With thousands of trolling elf professors still saying every particle in the universe attracts every other particle in the universe.
It's been fun getting into a digital age with your elf's mutual law of gravitation, professors. But time for us to move on from the past centuries trolling and onto your fine latter day discovery of the motions of the stars. This afternoon and weather permitting we will be studying the wind and visiting a national park. If its raining please bring your gas marks. We will then be staying indoors and studying the wondrous odour of elves.
Professors, if your garden path planetary motion professor returns, remember you can only call a professor stupid when they are. This rotation rate class is now dismissed. Goodbye and good luck with your chores.