balloon squeeze tides
In clear light of day, the tides of the earth are quite simple.
Upon the earth and according to Sir Isaac Newton's third law, to every force there is an equal and opposite force. If that law is true for the centre of the earth, the tides of the earth are simple and ongoing downward weight adjustments across the centre of the planet.
The mystery is actually not why we observe equal and opposite high and low tides across the centre of the earth. The mystery is how opposite rates of acceleration are adjusting to each other across the core of the earth.
The 346,400 kilometre figure becomes redundant when the sun's inverse square law is brought into the picture. On the earth - moon axis, the actual calculations marginally reduce each starting point figure.
In stark contrast to Sir Isaac's original high tide explanation, the answer to the tides begins with variation in lateral earth inverse square law magnitudes. Not the longitudinal lunar inverse square law diminishment magnitudes Sir Isaac pursued and subsequently construed.
Almost inarguably, that's our basic explanation of why planets experience high tides 180 degrees apart.
1/ If Newton's third law is a true science
2/ If Newton's second law is a legitimate weight measuring tool
3/ Newton third law equal and opposite forces / weights across the centre of the earth is the correct explanation of observed concurrent like opposite tidal pairs up here on the surface of the earth.
the core of a planet or star is weightless
The important weightless core implication is the setting radius of the earth's inverse square law would be where the rate of acceleration towards its centre starts to decrease and begins the path to the zero that it arithmetically should be across the core.
The next step with inverse square law understanding would be considerations of how mass causes the basis of an inverse square law in the space above mass. An inverse square law above mass says the nature of three dimensional space above a mass is changing in accordance with the inverse square of vertical distance increased. Allowing that mass, length, width and breadth are all scalar quantities, probability is that the force that gives birth to an inverse square law is an Archimedes principle exertion of atomic mass upon surrounding space.
The important weightless core implication is the setting radius of the earth's inverse square law would be where the rate of acceleration towards its centre starts to decrease and begins the path to the zero that it arithmetically should be across the core.
The next step with inverse square law understanding would be considerations of how mass causes the basis of an inverse square law in the space above mass. An inverse square law above mass says the nature of three dimensional space above a mass is changing in accordance with the inverse square of vertical distance increased. Allowing that mass, length, width and breadth are all scalar quantities, probability is that the force that gives birth to an inverse square law is an Archimedes principle exertion of atomic mass upon surrounding space.
The following analogy is imperfect. A better one may be found. To tune in with the across centre tidal dynamics of this beautiful almost round planet, professors should be helped by squeezing balls or balloons, feeling the force and watching the shape change of the ball or balloon.
Providing a coherent teaching of the tides should be worth the effort. Relative to the wonder of computers and the abilities of modern medicine to raise health levels around the globe, to still be indoctrinating academic pass mark standards with the moon 'pulls' an ocean under the moon = educational bureaucrats need to begin considering lateral or moonshot differentials in earth inverse square law magnitudes.
Probably should be mentioned that Newton's third law is not really a law of motion. It is only to do with opposite forces. Also and given Archimedes principle is based upon it, the axiom has come down through the ages to Newton.
The apparent evidence supporting weightless cores is the rate of acceleration towards the centre of the earth is measured as diminishing in underground ore extraction exercises. (link) Gold mines, etc. If that is held true by dedicated measuring, it fits with Newton's third law. Meaning not only do inverse square laws arithmetically conclude / are interrupted where they meet an adjacent one. Going down from the surface of the earth, the arithmetical expectation is the rate of fall tapers to conclusion across the centre of the planet.
The errors of thought would be the original Newtonian idea of the mass of the earth being synonymous with a point and the later idea of black holes.
The errors of thought would be the original Newtonian idea of the mass of the earth being synonymous with a point and the later idea of black holes.