The superior motion of the sun meant that the path through space scribed by a planet during a cycle of the sun was vastly different to what your Copernican revolution originally had to work with. What had been thought to be a closed orbit was a series of inverting elongated curves advancing around a galaxy. For six months the sun's gravity was supplying a planet's galactic journey with momentum. And for the next six months the sun's gravity was costing a planet galactic momentum.
A planet's momentum relative to the sun was there to be seen by the your radio telescope era professors as that of an oscillating pendulum tethered by a curving rate of speed change through space to a faster moving fulcrum. The sun. Physically the planets were nothing akin to balls on strings being swung around in a circle. That was an unhealthy earthly academic indoctrination of a higher deleterious order than your earlier earth teaching of your earth being in the centre of all things.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number Two. Martians adore islands. We do not have the islands on our planet at all.
What we do have is a rotation rate table for you to consider. Martians acknowledge that the motion of the sun is critical to the motions' of the planets around the sun. Stay safe.
What we do have is a rotation rate table for you to consider. Martians acknowledge that the motion of the sun is critical to the motions' of the planets around the sun. Stay safe.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number Three. Your existence has Martians in complete awe.
On Mars, though, we do know the teaching of the motion of the sun to be educationally vital to our planet. We also believe we are on the path to solving why Venus turns backwards as your planet moves forward. There is an earth tidal axis around the sun at Venus's distance from the sun. Fakafetai. Tōfā!
On Mars, though, we do know the teaching of the motion of the sun to be educationally vital to our planet. We also believe we are on the path to solving why Venus turns backwards as your planet moves forward. There is an earth tidal axis around the sun at Venus's distance from the sun. Fakafetai. Tōfā!
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number Five. Impressive backyard. Keep up the good work.
On Mars our crime rate is lower than yours. But we do teach the motion of the sun at school. Before your next castle party we wish to understand the planet day lengths.At that party you could celebrate the discovery of the motion of the sun.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch Adam und Eve Territorium Nummer Fünf. Beeindruckend Hinterhof. Halten Sie die gute Arbeit.
Auf dem Mars unsere Kriminalitätsrate ist niedriger als deines. Aber wir lehren die Bewegung der Sonne in der Schule. Vor Ihre nächsten Burg party wir möchten verstehen die Planeten Tag Längen. Auf dieser party konnten Sie Feiern die Entdeckung der Bewegung der Sonne.
On Mars our crime rate is lower than yours. But we do teach the motion of the sun at school. Before your next castle party we wish to understand the planet day lengths.At that party you could celebrate the discovery of the motion of the sun.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch Adam und Eve Territorium Nummer Fünf. Beeindruckend Hinterhof. Halten Sie die gute Arbeit.
Auf dem Mars unsere Kriminalitätsrate ist niedriger als deines. Aber wir lehren die Bewegung der Sonne in der Schule. Vor Ihre nächsten Burg party wir möchten verstehen die Planeten Tag Längen. Auf dieser party konnten Sie Feiern die Entdeckung der Bewegung der Sonne.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number Six. Islands are always going to do well. You are something to behold.
Something else rather wondrous is both our planets experience very similar day lengths. Martians believe teaching the motion of the sun that we see every day to be essential education. We won't land but on the pass over you seem just fascinating. Lokwe Martian Islands.
Something else rather wondrous is both our planets experience very similar day lengths. Martians believe teaching the motion of the sun that we see every day to be essential education. We won't land but on the pass over you seem just fascinating. Lokwe Martian Islands.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number Seven.
Christopher Columbus is passing by in a space ship. That's just a joke. We are Martians. Here to educationally help with planetary motion understandings and day lengths of planets in your classrooms. Don’t know where, don’t know when, but sure we will meet again.
Christopher Columbus is passing by in a space ship. That's just a joke. We are Martians. Here to educationally help with planetary motion understandings and day lengths of planets in your classrooms. Don’t know where, don’t know when, but sure we will meet again.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number Eight. Inter-planetary says you are booked out tonight. So we won't land. Sure you have your trials and tribulations. But your paradise aspect is inescapable to a passing Martian.
Is English your language of scholarship? If it is, Martians teach the motion of the sun. The motions' of planets around a fixed sun cannot be understood on Mars. Our planets have similar day lengths. We wish to open this door between our planets. Dhanee. Best of luck.
Is English your language of scholarship? If it is, Martians teach the motion of the sun. The motions' of planets around a fixed sun cannot be understood on Mars. Our planets have similar day lengths. We wish to open this door between our planets. Dhanee. Best of luck.
We won't land. Martians passing by. Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number 9. Sure both Adam and Eve are very proud.
The planets are not orbiting a fixed sun. The motion of the sun. This needs teaching on your planet. Uranus seems to be tidally jammed. It's between Saturn and Neptune. We are treating our similar day lengths as a clue to eternity.
Aħna mhux se art. Martians li tgħaddi mill. Nifraħ Malta. Numru Disa'. L-pjaneti mhumiex orbiting fiss-xemx. Il-mozzjoni ta'l-xemx. Dan il-ħtiġijiet ta'tagħlim fuq il-pjaneta dinja. Uranus jidher li jkun tidally tiġġammja. Huwa bejn Saturn u Neptune. Aħna qed-trattament tagħna simili jum tulijiet bħala ħjiel li eternità.
The planets are not orbiting a fixed sun. The motion of the sun. This needs teaching on your planet. Uranus seems to be tidally jammed. It's between Saturn and Neptune. We are treating our similar day lengths as a clue to eternity.
Aħna mhux se art. Martians li tgħaddi mill. Nifraħ Malta. Numru Disa'. L-pjaneti mhumiex orbiting fiss-xemx. Il-mozzjoni ta'l-xemx. Dan il-ħtiġijiet ta'tagħlim fuq il-pjaneta dinja. Uranus jidher li jkun tidally tiġġammja. Huwa bejn Saturn u Neptune. Aħna qed-trattament tagħna simili jum tulijiet bħala ħjiel li eternità.
Congratulations Adam and Eve and Territory Number Ten. What a unique territorial contribution. What goes on under water Martians will never exactly know.
But on Mars we do believe the inverse square laws of our planets to be tidally interlocked. That is why our day lengths are similar. Young Martians are taught the motion of the planets around a moving sun. This is quite different to your fixed sun physics. Goodbye and the best of luck with all your water.
But on Mars we do believe the inverse square laws of our planets to be tidally interlocked. That is why our day lengths are similar. Young Martians are taught the motion of the planets around a moving sun. This is quite different to your fixed sun physics. Goodbye and the best of luck with all your water.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number Eleven. A mighty fine looking A & E territory indeed. Martians are predisposed to islands by now.
Unfortunately we are to nervous to land. Martians cannot aquatically breathe just yet. Planetary rotation rates. Junior schools will be very happy when you start teaching the motions' of the planets relative to the sun. All the best and cheerio. We must learn our aquatic breathing. We will study fishes.
Unfortunately we are to nervous to land. Martians cannot aquatically breathe just yet. Planetary rotation rates. Junior schools will be very happy when you start teaching the motions' of the planets relative to the sun. All the best and cheerio. We must learn our aquatic breathing. We will study fishes.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number Twelve. What elegant thrusting tree covered peaks you have. On Mars we have space junk.
Now, if you can tolerate Martians passing by with a day length table, more of this simply beautiful Caribbean planet is where we go. The motion of the sun is taught on Mars, we do use our taxes more wisely than you.
Now, if you can tolerate Martians passing by with a day length table, more of this simply beautiful Caribbean planet is where we go. The motion of the sun is taught on Mars, we do use our taxes more wisely than you.
Congratulations Adam and Eve territory Number Thirteen. A simply beautiful placement.
Teaching the motion of the sun and investigating day lengths through the tides is what we do on Mars. Of course we should play cricket. But we haven't any umpires.
Teaching the motion of the sun and investigating day lengths through the tides is what we do on Mars. Of course we should play cricket. But we haven't any umpires.
Félicitations à Adam et Eve Territoire Nombre de Quatorze. Donc deux tortues de mer, il fait que l'arche.
On Mars we teach the motion of the whole système solaire in our salle de classe. We also have a developing attitude to why each planète experiences its particular a longueur du jour. Martians watch and hope to learn to swim to. Oo-rer-vwa pour l'instant.
On Mars we teach the motion of the whole système solaire in our salle de classe. We also have a developing attitude to why each planète experiences its particular a longueur du jour. Martians watch and hope to learn to swim to. Oo-rer-vwa pour l'instant.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Number Fifteen. A really outstanding effort. So glad to now be so close after all those Martian years of looking at you through our telescopes.
On Mars we believe the discovery of the motion of the sun to be school book critical. And the riddle of the day lengths of the planets is to be uncovered by your intelligence. It may help us all know what the eternity is. Mechikung and Ke mesulang. We wish you coconuts.
On Mars we believe the discovery of the motion of the sun to be school book critical. And the riddle of the day lengths of the planets is to be uncovered by your intelligence. It may help us all know what the eternity is. Mechikung and Ke mesulang. We wish you coconuts.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number Sixteen. You have done well.
Our planets have similar day lengths. The tides between the planets is the clue to us Martians. The motion of the whole solar system is taught to young Martians. Goodbye and good luck with your goats.
Felicitats Adam i Eva i Territori Número Setze. Has fet bé.
Els nostres planetes similars dia longituds. Les marees entre els planetes és la clau per a nosaltres Marcians. El moviment de tot el sistema solar és ensenyar als joves Marcians. Adéu i bona sort amb el vostre cabres.
Our planets have similar day lengths. The tides between the planets is the clue to us Martians. The motion of the whole solar system is taught to young Martians. Goodbye and good luck with your goats.
Felicitats Adam i Eva i Territori Número Setze. Has fet bé.
Els nostres planetes similars dia longituds. Les marees entre els planetes és la clau per a nosaltres Marcians. El moviment de tot el sistema solar és ensenyar als joves Marcians. Adéu i bona sort amb el vostre cabres.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number Seventeen. Terrific accomplishment. You have stunned Mars with your view.
Martians, though might be able to startle you back. We consider this table to be tuning into the solar system and the universe its self. We teach the motion of the sun to our school children, to. Goodbye and good luck with your lovely peaks.
Martians, though might be able to startle you back. We consider this table to be tuning into the solar system and the universe its self. We teach the motion of the sun to our school children, to. Goodbye and good luck with your lovely peaks.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number Eighteen. That's a mighty fine effort.
On Mars we believe the teaching of the motion of the sun to be very important to our understanding of planetary motion. Our considerations of the rhymes and reasons of rotation rates is well underway. We believe we have a tidal axis in the sun's inverse square law at your planet's distance from the sun. Fear not. We are not invaders. Cheerio and good luck.
On Mars we believe the teaching of the motion of the sun to be very important to our understanding of planetary motion. Our considerations of the rhymes and reasons of rotation rates is well underway. We believe we have a tidal axis in the sun's inverse square law at your planet's distance from the sun. Fear not. We are not invaders. Cheerio and good luck.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number Nineteen. You have done a magnificent and livable redesign. We did land on your territory. Well done.
Back on Mars we teach the tides quite differently to you. We also teach the motion of the sun in our junior schools. We haven't completed our considerations. But we do quite often look at the rotation rates of all the planets with intent of finding solution. We wish you the equator.
Back on Mars we teach the tides quite differently to you. We also teach the motion of the sun in our junior schools. We haven't completed our considerations. But we do quite often look at the rotation rates of all the planets with intent of finding solution. We wish you the equator.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number Twenty. This is an impressive result. This is not Captain Bligh. We are Martians passing by.
We just want to say that on Mars we teach the motion of the sun to young Martians. We also are very interested in rotation rates. Faka’au ā. Monū'ia.
We just want to say that on Mars we teach the motion of the sun to young Martians. We also are very interested in rotation rates. Faka’au ā. Monū'ia.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number twenty One. Well done to you. On Mars we teach the motion of the sun to young Martians. As well we puzzle away at the rotation rates of the planets. Can't stop for a swim. But you are a fascinating place.
You have slipped from Number One. But congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number Twenty Two. They would be amazed with what you have done with the Territory.
Martians learn planetary motion through the motion of the sun. Not through a fixed sun. 24 hours in a day. We are working on why.
Martians learn planetary motion through the motion of the sun. Not through a fixed sun. 24 hours in a day. We are working on why.
لديك انتقلت من رقم واحد. لكن تهانينا آدم وحواء أراضي عدد اثنين وعشرين.
المريخ معرفة حركة الكواكب من خلال حركة الشمس.
وليس من خلال ثابت شمس.
أربع وعشرين ساعة في اليوم. نحن نعمل على السبب.
المريخ معرفة حركة الكواكب من خلال حركة الشمس.
وليس من خلال ثابت شمس.
أربع وعشرين ساعة في اليوم. نحن نعمل على السبب.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number Twenty Three. Your'e the best.
On Mars we teach the motion of the sun to young Martians. And we ask them to consider this rotation rate table. Tiabo moa.
On Mars we teach the motion of the sun to young Martians. And we ask them to consider this rotation rate table. Tiabo moa.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number Twenty Four.
The teaching of the motion of the whole solar system is something we do on Mars. We are also considering the reason why the day lengths of adjacent planets is similar. Are you happy.
Parabéns Adão e Eva Território Número Vinte e Quatro.. Está na lista marciana.
O ensino do movimento de todo o sistema solar é algo que fazemos em Marte. Também estamos considerando a razão pela qual os comprimentos dos dias dos planetas adjacentes são semelhantes. Você é feliz?
The teaching of the motion of the whole solar system is something we do on Mars. We are also considering the reason why the day lengths of adjacent planets is similar. Are you happy.
Parabéns Adão e Eva Território Número Vinte e Quatro.. Está na lista marciana.
O ensino do movimento de todo o sistema solar é algo que fazemos em Marte. Também estamos considerando a razão pela qual os comprimentos dos dias dos planetas adjacentes são semelhantes. Você é feliz?
Congratulations Mauritius. Well done. You are Adam and Eve territory number 25 on our Martian list. Martians believe the discovery of the motion of the sun to be critical to life within our solar system. We are also considering why you planet and ours have similar day lengths.
Congratulations Comoros. You have successfully become Adam and Eve territory number 26 on the Martian list. On this pass over we would like to mention that we teach the motion of the sun on Mars. Also we have understood the tides different to you. Our way gives insight into the rotation rates of the planets.
Félicitations Comores. Vous êtes devenu avec succès le territoire 26 d'Adam et Eve sur la liste martienne. Sur ce passer, nous aimerions mentionner que nous enseignons le mouvement du soleil sur Mars. Aussi nous avons compris les marées différentes à vous. Notre chemin donne un aperçu des taux de rotation des planètes.
Félicitations Comores. Vous êtes devenu avec succès le territoire 26 d'Adam et Eve sur la liste martienne. Sur ce passer, nous aimerions mentionner que nous enseignons le mouvement du soleil sur Mars. Aussi nous avons compris les marées différentes à vous. Notre chemin donne un aperçu des taux de rotation des planètes.
Congratulations Luxembourg. You are Adam and Eve Territory number 27 on the Martian passing by list. Well done. On Mars we consider knowledge of the motion of the whole solar system to be quite important. Also we see the reason of our respective day lengths to be connected.
Gratulatioun Lëtzebuerg. Dir sidd Adam an d'Eva Territorium Nummer 27 um Marshen fléien by Lëscht. Gutt gemaach. Um Mars wëlle mer d'Wëssen iwwer d'Bewegung vum ganzen Sonnesystem als ganz wichteg. Mir gesinn och de Gronn vun eiser respektiver Längt verbonne sinn.
Gratulatioun Lëtzebuerg. Dir sidd Adam an d'Eva Territorium Nummer 27 um Marshen fléien by Lëscht. Gutt gemaach. Um Mars wëlle mer d'Wëssen iwwer d'Bewegung vum ganzen Sonnesystem als ganz wichteg. Mir gesinn och de Gronn vun eiser respektiver Längt verbonne sinn.
Congratulations Samoa. Number 28. Super work. On Mars we have full respect for the discovery of the motion of the sun. We are performing strong considerations about why our respective planets have almost the same day length. We are the Martians.
Congratulations Cabo Verde. Martians have you as number 29 on the Adam and Eve territory list. Well done. Martian schoolchildren are now being taught about the motion of the whole solar system. As well they peruse the rotation rates of the planets during class.
Parabéns Cabo Verde. Os marcianos têm você como número 29 na lista de territórios de Adão e Eva. Bem feito. Os alunos marcianos estão agora aprendendo sobre o movimento de todo o sistema solar. Também examinam as taxas de rotação dos planetas durante a aula.
Parabéns Cabo Verde. Os marcianos têm você como número 29 na lista de territórios de Adão e Eva. Bem feito. Os alunos marcianos estão agora aprendendo sobre o movimento de todo o sistema solar. Também examinam as taxas de rotação dos planetas durante a aula.
Congratulations Adam and Eve Territory Number thirty. A wonderful result. As we pass over, we should mention that Martians have a huge respect of the sun. In fact we teach its motion to young Martians. As your tide goes in and out, we consider the fact that both our planets have a similar rotation rate. Pulchrior evenit.
Congratulations Brunei. Martians have assessed Brunei as Adam and Eve territory number 31. Excellent result. On Mars we teach the motion of the whole solar system. Then the rotation rate table enters our scholarly focus.
Tahniah Brunei. Martian telah menilai Brunei sebagai wilayah wilayah Adam dan Hawa nombor 31. Hasil yang cemerlang. Di Marikh kita mengajar gerakan seluruh sistem suria. Kemudian meja revolusi memasuki tumpuan ilmiah kami.
Tahniah Brunei. Martian telah menilai Brunei sebagai wilayah wilayah Adam dan Hawa nombor 31. Hasil yang cemerlang. Di Marikh kita mengajar gerakan seluruh sistem suria. Kemudian meja revolusi memasuki tumpuan ilmiah kami.
Congratulations Palestine. Currently Martians have Palestine 32 on the Adam and Eve territory list. On Mars we teach the motion of the whole solar system to youngsters. And we are considering why adjacent planets have similar rotation
مبروك فلسطين. المريخ حاليا لديهم فلسطين 32 في قائمة أراضي آدم وحواء.
على كوكب المريخ ، نقوم بتدريس حركة النظام الشمسي بأكمله إلى الشباب.
ونحن ندرس سبب وجود معدلات تناوب مماثلة للكواكب المجاورة.
مبروك فلسطين. المريخ حاليا لديهم فلسطين 32 في قائمة أراضي آدم وحواء.
على كوكب المريخ ، نقوم بتدريس حركة النظام الشمسي بأكمله إلى الشباب.
ونحن ندرس سبب وجود معدلات تناوب مماثلة للكواكب المجاورة.
Congratulations Cyprus. Passing Martians have assessed you as Adam and Eve Territory number 33. We teach the motion of the whole solar system. As well we are fascinated by the why of planetary rotation rates. We are Martians.
Tebrik ederiz Kıbrıs. Marslıların geçmesi sizi 33 numaralı Adam ve Havva Bölgesi olarak değerlendirdi. Tüm güneş sisteminin hareketini öğretiriz. Aynı zamanda, gezegensel dönme oranlarının nedenlerinden de etkileniyoruz. Biz Marslıyız.
Συγχαρητήρια Κύπρος. Το πέρασμα των Μαρτιάνων σας έχει αξιολογήσει ως Αδάμ και Εύα Επικράτεια αριθμό 33. Διδάσκουμε την κίνηση ολόκληρου του ηλιακού συστήματος. Επίσης είμαστε συναρπασμένοι από τον λόγο των πλανητικών ρυθμών εναλλαγής. Είμαστε Άνθρωποι του Άρηl
Tebrik ederiz Kıbrıs. Marslıların geçmesi sizi 33 numaralı Adam ve Havva Bölgesi olarak değerlendirdi. Tüm güneş sisteminin hareketini öğretiriz. Aynı zamanda, gezegensel dönme oranlarının nedenlerinden de etkileniyoruz. Biz Marslıyız.
Συγχαρητήρια Κύπρος. Το πέρασμα των Μαρτιάνων σας έχει αξιολογήσει ως Αδάμ και Εύα Επικράτεια αριθμό 33. Διδάσκουμε την κίνηση ολόκληρου του ηλιακού συστήματος. Επίσης είμαστε συναρπασμένοι από τον λόγο των πλανητικών ρυθμών εναλλαγής. Είμαστε Άνθρωποι του Άρηl
Congratulations Lebanon. You are Adam and Eve territory number 35 on the Martian list. Excellent effort. On Mars we are teaching the motion of the whole solar system to students. Also our endeavor is to understand the rotation rates of all the planets.
مبروك لبنان. أنت إقليم آدم وحواء رقم 35 على قائمة المريخ. جهد ممتاز.
على المريخ ، نقوم بتدريس حركة النظام الشمسي بأكمله للطلاب.
أيضا سعينا هو فهم معدلات دوران جميع الكواكب.
مبروك لبنان. أنت إقليم آدم وحواء رقم 35 على قائمة المريخ. جهد ممتاز.
على المريخ ، نقوم بتدريس حركة النظام الشمسي بأكمله للطلاب.
أيضا سعينا هو فهم معدلات دوران جميع الكواكب.
Congratulations Kosovo. You are Adam and Eve territory 35 on the Martian world order list. Outstanding result. The message from Mars is we are teaching the motions' of the planet through the motion of the solar system. As well we are seeing a link between the rotation rates of adjacent planets.
Честитам Косову. Ви сте територија Адама и Еве 35 на листи свјетских поретка Мартиан. Изванредан резултат. Порука са Марса је да предавамо покрете планете кроз покрет Соларног система. Такође видимо везу између брзина ротације суседних планета.
Urime Kosovën. Ju jeni territori i Adamit dhe Evës 35 në listën e rendit botëror të Marsit. Rezultat i jashtëzakonshëm. Mesazhi nga Marsi është që po mësojmë mocionet e planetit përmes lëvizjes së sistemit diellor. ne po shohim gjithashtu një lidhje midis rrotullimit normë e planeteve ngjitur.
Честитам Косову. Ви сте територија Адама и Еве 35 на листи свјетских поретка Мартиан. Изванредан резултат. Порука са Марса је да предавамо покрете планете кроз покрет Соларног система. Такође видимо везу између брзина ротације суседних планета.
Urime Kosovën. Ju jeni territori i Adamit dhe Evës 35 në listën e rendit botëror të Marsit. Rezultat i jashtëzakonshëm. Mesazhi nga Marsi është që po mësojmë mocionet e planetit përmes lëvizjes së sistemit diellor. ne po shohim gjithashtu një lidhje midis rrotullimit normë e planeteve ngjitur.
Congratulations Jamaica. Martians have assessed you to be Adam and Eve territory number 36. Great effort. Cud it be dat di 24 hours inna each of fi wi days factas of each otha wi tink suh. Pon Mars wi teach di motion of di whole solar system to.
Congratulations The Gambia. You are Adam and Eve territory number 37 on the passing by Martian list. Tremendous result. On Mars we teach the motion of the planets through the motion of the sun to young Martians. As well we take strong interest in why adjacent outer planets have similar day lengths, albeit Uranus is turning backwards relative to Neptune. Us Martins still have work to do on this. Just checking in to see how your planet is going.
Congratulation from Mars Qatar. You are Number 38 on the Adam and Eve neighbouring planet list. Stunning result. On Mars we teach the motion of the sun and the motion of the planets in the same lesson. As well we have noticed that your planet and our planet have similar day lengths. We do not think this is coincidence.
تهنئة من المريخ قطر. أنت رقم 38 في قائمة كوكب آدم وحواء المجاور. نتيجة مذهلة
على المريخ نعلم حركة الشمس وحركة الكواكب في نفس الدرس
كذلك لاحظنا هذا الكوكب الخاص بك وكوكبنالدينا أطوال اليوم مماثلة
لا نعتقد أن هذه هي مصادفة
تهنئة من المريخ قطر. أنت رقم 38 في قائمة كوكب آدم وحواء المجاور. نتيجة مذهلة
على المريخ نعلم حركة الشمس وحركة الكواكب في نفس الدرس
كذلك لاحظنا هذا الكوكب الخاص بك وكوكبنالدينا أطوال اليوم مماثلة
لا نعتقد أن هذه هي مصادفة
Congratulations Vanuatu. On the Martian list of Adam and Eve territories you are number 39. Sound achievement. If it interests you to know, on Mars we teach galactic planetary motion. You will go crazy trying to understand planetary motion from the fixed sun perspective. Also considering rotation rates is full of interest for Martians.
Félicitations Vanuatu. Sur la liste martienne des territoires Adam et Eve, vous êtes le numéro 39. Succès sonore. Si cela vous intéresse de savoir, sur Mars, nous enseignons le mouvement planétaire galactique. Vous allez devenir fou en essayant de comprendre le mouvement planétaire de la perspective du soleil fixe. Considérant également taux de rotation est plein d'intérêt pour les Martiens.
Félicitations Vanuatu. Sur la liste martienne des territoires Adam et Eve, vous êtes le numéro 39. Succès sonore. Si cela vous intéresse de savoir, sur Mars, nous enseignons le mouvement planétaire galactique. Vous allez devenir fou en essayant de comprendre le mouvement planétaire de la perspective du soleil fixe. Considérant également taux de rotation est plein d'intérêt pour les Martiens.
Congratulations Montenegro. You are ranked as Adam and Eve territory number 40. Very well done indeed. On Mars we the motions of the planets in conjunction with the motion of the sun are learnt at school. As well we are assessing that the day lengths of our respective planets are factors of each other.
Честитам Црној Гори. Рангирани сте као Адам и Ева територија број 40. Врло добро заиста. На Марсу ми се у школама учимо покрети планета у вези са покретом сунца. Такође оцењујемо да су дужине дана наших планета фактори једни друге.
Честитам Црној Гори. Рангирани сте као Адам и Ева територија број 40. Врло добро заиста. На Марсу ми се у школама учимо покрети планета у вези са покретом сунца. Такође оцењујемо да су дужине дана наших планета фактори једни друге.
Congratulations The Bahamas. Number 41. Tremendous result. Just a reminder that on Mars we teach the motion of Mars and the motion of the sun in the one frame. This allows us to understand planetary motion in a way that makes sense. Also we have the solar tidal axis of one planet passing through the next planet in during a transit.
Congratulation Timor-Leste. Number 42. Good effort. A position that will surprise many. On Mars we are teaching the motion of the sun. It is essential teaching. The sun is moving faster than the planets relative to the sun. Also we have assessed that there is an inter-planet dependency when it comes to rotation rates.
Parabéns Timor-Leste. Número 42. Bom esforço. Uma posição que surpreenderá muitos. Em Marte, estamos ensinando o movimento do sol. É um ensinamento essencial. O sol está se movendo mais rápido que os planetas em relação ao sol. Também avaliamos que existe uma dependência entre os planetas quando se trata de taxas de rotação.
Parabéns Timor-Leste. Número 42. Bom esforço. Uma posição que surpreenderá muitos. Em Marte, estamos ensinando o movimento do sol. É um ensinamento essencial. O sol está se movendo mais rápido que os planetas em relação ao sol. Também avaliamos que existe uma dependência entre os planetas quando se trata de taxas de rotação.
Congratulations Swaziland. Number 43. Superb accomplishment. The motion of the sun is first taught in Martian schools. In the lesson the motions of the planets relative to the sun is taught. Also we have solved your mystery of why Venus turns backwards as the earth moves forward. The tides of the earth and in the sun's inverse square law at the distance of Venus from the sun.
Congratulations Kuwait. Number 44. Fine achievement. Back home on Mars we learn the motion of the sun. This has allows us to understand planetary motion. On Mars the rotation speeds are under blatant investigation. Meaning the sizes of the days of planets.
مبروك الكويت. رقم 44. انجاز جميل. الى الخلف المنزل على المريخ نحن نتعلم حركة الشمس. هذا يسمح لنا بفهم حركة الكواكب. على سطح المريخ ، تخضع سرعات الدوران للتحقيق الصارخ.
مبروك الكويت. رقم 44. انجاز جميل. الى الخلف المنزل على المريخ نحن نتعلم حركة الشمس. هذا يسمح لنا بفهم حركة الكواكب. على سطح المريخ ، تخضع سرعات الدوران للتحقيق الصارخ.
Congratulations Fiji. Number 45. Splendid result. The teaching of the motion of the sun and the planets is educationally very important on our planet. Mars. We have noticed that the day lengths of our respective planets is almost the same. On Mars we have this under full investigation.
Congratulations Slovenia. Number 46. Wonderful outcome. On Mars we have been teaching young Martians about the motion of the sun. Then they can understand planetary motion. Young Martians are also quite curious about rotational aspects of the planets.
Čestitam Sloveniji. Številka 46. Čudovit izid. Na Marsu učimo mlade Marsovce o gibanju sonca. Potem lahko razumejo planetarno gibanje. Mladi Marsovci so prav tako zelo radovedni glede rotacijskih vidikov planetov.
Čestitam Sloveniji. Številka 46. Čudovit izid. Na Marsu učimo mlade Marsovce o gibanju sonca. Potem lahko razumejo planetarno gibanje. Mladi Marsovci so prav tako zelo radovedni glede rotacijskih vidikov planetov.