IIt is wonderful to know or have known Abraham George Kingston. He was born in the stawell hospital in the year 2000 and died at a place called Riachella much more recently. His time had come.
For those curious and for the record, the most probable reason he was gloomy on the inside and not showing it on the outside is the social card he had been dealt during adolescence.. That card being a developing friendship with a girl taking a different direction when she informed him that her preference was also for girls. At the age of about fourteen or fifteen he was originally stricken with the turn of events. From there he settled into a “we are still happy together” mode. Almost undoubtedly, though he began living in private hope that things would end up different as the years progressed.
I did start telling him after year or so that if your girlfriend likes girls, it is not going to end happy. For a start he would just give one of his shoulder shrugs and a bit of a smile. Later he was in front of the curve and would reply she is not my girlfriend knowing he could be both honest with the situation and also end those sorts of conversations as they were starting. Unfortunately as things progressed his parents were not with the ability to understand that, if the daily fondness and loyalty between these two is not only surviving but growing, their son is going to end in a state of utter despair.
After coming home from having spent time in Horsham, Halls Gap and Dimboola with his friends over the weekend, his last act in life seen by another family member was happily giving a dog a friendly pat. I had asked him about his house hunting in Horsham and it was grunt shrug time. He left the room amwith a glance at a sister asleep on the couch and the photo of the dog you see was taken immediately after. It was put on a family whatsapp page. Abraham saw the photo in his room, said his goodbye to world and had his passing within the quarter hour. A minute before seeing the dog he had been online searching centrelink payments presumably to do with his anticipated move to Horsham. It’s not major but he had been prescribed an antidepressant nine days before. One that numbs the thought process in the suicide area if you have had that thought already. Also when his sisters had a look at his internet history, it came back as just woodwork and mainstream games. Whether there was a hidden browsing history we don’t know but it seems unlikely. He simply died in final and probably calm realization that his love was never going to be.
Outside that Abraham was a forward planner who had also fallen completely in love with wood. As he grew up I wondered about his work ethic. Sometime after he started his apprenticeship at Scheirs he happily told me that he had been told he had good work ethic. In a similar way another time he mentioned he had been told he was a fast learner. Whoever said those things to him I thank.
I also thank his teachers through kindergarten in Stawell and then school in Glenorchy, Rupanyup and Murtoa. His school bus drivers, in particular Bill and Gary. I thank the buskids for their respectful gesture of retiring his bus seat until the emotions of his passing have cleared a little.
Outside of Adam and Kayla I never really got to know his friends. Adam, when your son has just died, there is sound comfort in knowing he had you for a friend. When you two were together you definitely were young men of sound and adventurous building techniques. You may remember when I first looked at that trampoline raft you made I thought this isn’t going to work . Little had I looked at how sound it actually was..
Kayla the first time I met you was April 2017. What struck me immediately was your beautiful politeness. For some reason Abraham developed impeccable manners for approaching or parting company with parents, particularly when making a request in life. Sometimes I felt like saying we are only your parents, you don’t have to be so polite when you ask for something. But it was a good trait and I attribute the development of this characteristic in him to you. To my eyes you are very fine young lady, the type the world needs.
To his friends who I don’t know so well I just say thank you for knowing Abraham.
If somehow society could have alerted Abraham to the immediate grief and feeling of loss and helplessness that there would be as the news becomes known, Abraham would most likely be alive today and probably talking to his parents or sisters or Adam about how lost he was with the card he had been dealt. If you are a young person here today and start having thoughts that no one can see about ending your life, please think of the grieving that will follow.
Abraham definitely was not the sort of person who wanted others to suffer on his behalf. At the time to him his last act would have been along the lines of a confused grace. He saw himself as leaving the world with everyone else's tomorrow no different and him not facing his heartache again. I am sure he died loving his friends but he was not in an advanced enough state of mind to see the grieving that would follow was not congruent with the loyalty and fondness for a friend that he was more commonly known for displaying.
To Abraham I would just like to say thank you for all the trips to source and buy wood. They were fun. And by now I know the last one you had to Ararat with Kayla to get redgum sections was also a happy event.
Mainly I just thank you for being the loving heart of a couple of sisters.and also Kayla for a little while and for always being the wondrous son of my wife and I. Your intractable problem aside, we just wish you were still living each of your days as it comes about.
To his workplace, school and school friends I have little hesitation in saying that Abraham loves wood. While his spirit moves amongst us, let's hope it enjoys this redgum casket that his body now lies in.
For those curious and for the record, the most probable reason he was gloomy on the inside and not showing it on the outside is the social card he had been dealt during adolescence.. That card being a developing friendship with a girl taking a different direction when she informed him that her preference was also for girls. At the age of about fourteen or fifteen he was originally stricken with the turn of events. From there he settled into a “we are still happy together” mode. Almost undoubtedly, though he began living in private hope that things would end up different as the years progressed.
I did start telling him after year or so that if your girlfriend likes girls, it is not going to end happy. For a start he would just give one of his shoulder shrugs and a bit of a smile. Later he was in front of the curve and would reply she is not my girlfriend knowing he could be both honest with the situation and also end those sorts of conversations as they were starting. Unfortunately as things progressed his parents were not with the ability to understand that, if the daily fondness and loyalty between these two is not only surviving but growing, their son is going to end in a state of utter despair.
After coming home from having spent time in Horsham, Halls Gap and Dimboola with his friends over the weekend, his last act in life seen by another family member was happily giving a dog a friendly pat. I had asked him about his house hunting in Horsham and it was grunt shrug time. He left the room amwith a glance at a sister asleep on the couch and the photo of the dog you see was taken immediately after. It was put on a family whatsapp page. Abraham saw the photo in his room, said his goodbye to world and had his passing within the quarter hour. A minute before seeing the dog he had been online searching centrelink payments presumably to do with his anticipated move to Horsham. It’s not major but he had been prescribed an antidepressant nine days before. One that numbs the thought process in the suicide area if you have had that thought already. Also when his sisters had a look at his internet history, it came back as just woodwork and mainstream games. Whether there was a hidden browsing history we don’t know but it seems unlikely. He simply died in final and probably calm realization that his love was never going to be.
Outside that Abraham was a forward planner who had also fallen completely in love with wood. As he grew up I wondered about his work ethic. Sometime after he started his apprenticeship at Scheirs he happily told me that he had been told he had good work ethic. In a similar way another time he mentioned he had been told he was a fast learner. Whoever said those things to him I thank.
I also thank his teachers through kindergarten in Stawell and then school in Glenorchy, Rupanyup and Murtoa. His school bus drivers, in particular Bill and Gary. I thank the buskids for their respectful gesture of retiring his bus seat until the emotions of his passing have cleared a little.
Outside of Adam and Kayla I never really got to know his friends. Adam, when your son has just died, there is sound comfort in knowing he had you for a friend. When you two were together you definitely were young men of sound and adventurous building techniques. You may remember when I first looked at that trampoline raft you made I thought this isn’t going to work . Little had I looked at how sound it actually was..
Kayla the first time I met you was April 2017. What struck me immediately was your beautiful politeness. For some reason Abraham developed impeccable manners for approaching or parting company with parents, particularly when making a request in life. Sometimes I felt like saying we are only your parents, you don’t have to be so polite when you ask for something. But it was a good trait and I attribute the development of this characteristic in him to you. To my eyes you are very fine young lady, the type the world needs.
To his friends who I don’t know so well I just say thank you for knowing Abraham.
If somehow society could have alerted Abraham to the immediate grief and feeling of loss and helplessness that there would be as the news becomes known, Abraham would most likely be alive today and probably talking to his parents or sisters or Adam about how lost he was with the card he had been dealt. If you are a young person here today and start having thoughts that no one can see about ending your life, please think of the grieving that will follow.
Abraham definitely was not the sort of person who wanted others to suffer on his behalf. At the time to him his last act would have been along the lines of a confused grace. He saw himself as leaving the world with everyone else's tomorrow no different and him not facing his heartache again. I am sure he died loving his friends but he was not in an advanced enough state of mind to see the grieving that would follow was not congruent with the loyalty and fondness for a friend that he was more commonly known for displaying.
To Abraham I would just like to say thank you for all the trips to source and buy wood. They were fun. And by now I know the last one you had to Ararat with Kayla to get redgum sections was also a happy event.
Mainly I just thank you for being the loving heart of a couple of sisters.and also Kayla for a little while and for always being the wondrous son of my wife and I. Your intractable problem aside, we just wish you were still living each of your days as it comes about.
To his workplace, school and school friends I have little hesitation in saying that Abraham loves wood. While his spirit moves amongst us, let's hope it enjoys this redgum casket that his body now lies in.