Notwithstanding the inverse square relationship between mass and surrounding space, adjacent tidal axii subject to several relative speeds will or would most likely explain day lengths and also Kepler's first and second laws. (The improvised recommendation is gravity fields are larger particles made of infinitesimal particles with the infinitesimal particles increasing in size in accordance with spherical area increase around a planet or star and that 'gravity' is descent through these particles.)
Apart from a transit being an alignment of two planets with the sun, the things to note from the rotation rate table are the inner two planets are like the moon. Have rotation periods of the order of their orbital periods. And outer adjacent planets are pairs with similar rotation periods. Thus the rotation aspect you can see on this table.
If you can note that and can consider the rotation aspect to be a possible/probable ingredient of a moving solar system, it's all pretty interesting. The same face of the moon always being towards the earth is a good clue to the moon being turned by the tidal quadrant of its gravity field. The inexactness of the elements of the rotation aspect for the planets, well the rotations are going to be 'orbital' period conflict rotations of inverse square laws between planets. Not just a locked synchronisation with one other planet.
The facts we have are Venus turns backwards on its axis once whilst this planet does 2/3's of its solar cycle. And, every 584 earth days, the same face of Venus is almost precisely towards the earth when Venus passes between the earth and the sun. There are a few other little rotational/cyclical near exact ratios between the inner three planets as well. For instance, a Venus sunrise occurs every 117. something earth days. Meaning there is almost precisely 5 Venus sunrises to each Venus transit of the earth. And Mercury rotates twice on its axis every 117.3 days.
The Venus - Mercury relationship is really a quite compelling suggestion of the idea of gravity field turn rates being the clue to planetary rotation rates. The Venus 'orbital' direction and the Venus rotation direction are opposite. As Venus advances around the sun, the face of Venus directed towards the sun changes. This face change is synchronised to the Mercury rotation period while the actually Venus rotation period is synchronised to the earth year.
That almost says it all. Lingering doubts persist because it means that the earth's lunar tides are really earth solar tides that are getting moved around the earth by the moon.
Anyway, if the tides of a planet get to be seen as factors of the equal and opposite quadrant nature of an inverse square law, in time we should see that, minus a moon or moons, the solar low tide axis of a planet becomes an instantaneous circle around the motion of the sun at a planet's distance from the sun.
Then, if the earth - moon high tides run through the Venus inverse square law during a transit, the low tide axis of the earth - sun system gets marginally shifted out of this circle toward the 'orbits' of Venus and Mars as this earth planet moves forward.
At the same time the Venus inverse square law and the earth inverse square law are being turned backwards as Venus and the earth move forward.
If you get some spare time, you could do worse than having a go at it.
It's complex.
As mentioned, it appears that the earth's lunar tides are really solar tides but are getting moved around the earth by the moon.
On these adjacent inner planet a quarter of an orbit advanced beyond a transit diagrams, planetary speed magnitudes come tidal axii speed magnitudes are relative to each other. With respect of the motion of the sun, the diagrams are all timeless and the push vectors instantaneous forces
Mathematical procedures that have come out of Einstein's theories evidently have become useful. When the inertial mass - conservation of momentum confusion is recognized at the higher scholarship level, the lack of reasoning in Albert Einstein's theories is there for the assessing. A space time continuum came out the writings of imaginative nineteenth century science fiction authors. When no one knows what time is, teaching a space time continuum as fact is fooling around with the world.
Mathematical procedures that have come out of Einstein's theories evidently have become useful. When the inertial mass - conservation of momentum confusion is recognized at the higher scholarship level, the lack of reasoning in Albert Einstein's theories is there for the assessing. A space time continuum came out the writings of imaginative nineteenth century science fiction authors. When no one knows what time is, teaching a space time continuum as fact is fooling around with the world.
Current assessments of why there is a high tide under the moon belong in unenlightened times.....
1/ If there is only the mass type of mass, physics sort of has to start again from first principles. The idea of 'inertial' mass and 'gravitational' mass being equivalent is supposed to the cornerstone of Einstein's general theory of relativity.
If belief in mass existing in two forms that measure the same is obstructing consideration of gravity field rotation rates being the key to day lengths, the motor mouths of mathematical physics need putting into a perspective. They are not helping the world.
If mathematical physics cannot explain how the apple and the earth generate a mutual force by now, it's hardly a discipline that the world need take to seriously.
If belief in mass existing in two forms that measure the same is obstructing consideration of gravity field rotation rates being the key to day lengths, the motor mouths of mathematical physics need putting into a perspective. They are not helping the world.
If mathematical physics cannot explain how the apple and the earth generate a mutual force by now, it's hardly a discipline that the world need take to seriously.
The Copernican revolution made mistakes. Planets couldn't orbit a fixed sun. The moon doesn't pull water away from itself.
YouTube's proclamation of Albert Einstein (above) is a little hard on Sir Isaac Newton. Through his own words, Sir Isaac freely admitted to not understanding how gravity could act through distance instantaneously.
The so far inverse square law presumption is its an agent that moves in some way or other from one mass towards another mass to attract that other mass. Once a mutual gravitation vector is seen to be academically unsustainable accelerations, it's apparent that inverse square laws are space itself. The propagation of gravity through space is left as an unneeded consideration.
Using four base personally accepted facts of the universe to overcome Sir Isaac's impossibilities, a start on a rewriting of physics has been generally done by someone with no wish for fame. The important messages are the tides of the earth are the equal and opposite downward forces of the earth. The balance between escape velocity and gravity is not the reason of orbital motion. NASA has that stuff wrong. The four accepted facts are....
1/ Sir Isaac Newton's third law
2/ Sir Isaac Newton's second law.
3/ The inverse square law of fall rate diminish.
4/ The motions' of inverse square laws.
YouTube's proclamation of Albert Einstein (above) is a little hard on Sir Isaac Newton. Through his own words, Sir Isaac freely admitted to not understanding how gravity could act through distance instantaneously.
The so far inverse square law presumption is its an agent that moves in some way or other from one mass towards another mass to attract that other mass. Once a mutual gravitation vector is seen to be academically unsustainable accelerations, it's apparent that inverse square laws are space itself. The propagation of gravity through space is left as an unneeded consideration.
Using four base personally accepted facts of the universe to overcome Sir Isaac's impossibilities, a start on a rewriting of physics has been generally done by someone with no wish for fame. The important messages are the tides of the earth are the equal and opposite downward forces of the earth. The balance between escape velocity and gravity is not the reason of orbital motion. NASA has that stuff wrong. The four accepted facts are....
1/ Sir Isaac Newton's third law
2/ Sir Isaac Newton's second law.
3/ The inverse square law of fall rate diminish.
4/ The motions' of inverse square laws.
A few centuries later, Sir Isaac's dilemma about how gravity constantly reaches between masses led to an Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity. Nothing travels faster than the speed of light was Albert's verdict. So therefore gravity would not act instantaneously. This allowed time into gravity and a 'space-time' curvature to be constructed around mass. Whereas Sir Isaac had left gravity at 'I don't know how', a space-time curvature was assessed to explain why an apple falls to earth.
Albert was advised by mentors not to challenge Sir Isaac's law of gravity. The inverse square law and the existence of a gravitation constant were well proven. Following this advice, Albert seems to have presumed mutual gravitation to be a correct analysis of the universe. He did not endeavour to develop his own understanding of how or why the falling apple and the earth constructed a mutual force that was causing each to be accelerating towards the other.
These days some say they understand Einstein's theory of general relativity. Others, whether claiming understanding or not, say it fits with observations, helps with satellite calculations, so Einstein seems to have given us a space-time framework tuned to the gravity of the universe.
Simple arithmetical analysis shows Sir Isaac was underpinning the very idea of universal gravitation with a vector oversight. If picked up, 'readers' of Sir Isaac, like Albert Einstein, would have been facing Sir Isaac's dilemma (about how the gravity of the universe could constantly work through an apparent vacuum) from a different perspective. That different perspective is inverse square laws are discontinuous.
Mathematicians should be able to understand that their assessment of the high tide under the moon is Neanderthal like. For actual Neanderthals, the high tide on the other side of the planet, well the earth might have been flat and not turning on its axis and there was hunting and gathering to be done. And none were likely to have been paid by a community cheque to procure an understanding of either of the high the tides we observe up here on the surface of the planet.
When the enlightenment of the earth and moon each having inverse square laws of fall rate diminish arrived a few centuries ago, it would have been handy if the paid professors of the time had been able to state that the moon simply pulling the ocean under the moon did not cut it any more.
Attended school. Physics needed rewriting. Concluded adults will already know this.
Found out later adults don't.
Found out later adults don't.
Post universal gravitation, the thing to do would be to determine sizes of the inverse square laws of the solar system. Get onto the changing shapes and sizes of their quadrants as they move around the galaxy within the sun's inverse square law.
That's the take it or leave it astronomical advice. Remembering that you can never get the locations exact, to find where a minor inverse square law ends and the major one begins, you find the equal and equal points on the far side of the minor inverse square law. And inverse square laws are egged shaped. Not ellipsoids.
How the moon can be outside the earth's inverse square law but accelerating and decelerating as if it is within both the sun and earth inverse square laws is a mystery. If universal gravitation falls by the wayside and that mystery settles into place, professors have plenty to do.
When the moon was still in the earth's inverse square law, the earth-moon push system must have been well established and is still continuing in accordance with what it was when slipping out of the earth's inverse square law. It is gradually losing momentum relative to the earth but why the loss is still in accordance with the inverse square of distance from earth, moving inverse square law professors will work out. Probably does make sense until the moon leaves the earth but still seems a mystery.
From relative motions, the real speed of the sun maybe determinable. Ignoring the ellipses and in two dimensions, this gives interesting results. Then it may be determinable whether or not the earth is behind or in front of the sun at a given point of time. Without question, if our star is moving, it is going to have a bow and a stern. Whether or not they are determinable is the question. If they are, then whether the moon is currently behind or in front of the earth would come next. And then a determination of when the moon is likely to leave the earth could begin. The interest will be whether or not it goes Mars side or Venus side. At this stage, the sun's inverse square law can't be uniquely established between the earth and the moon. You have to go to a few more decimal places to split the earth and sun inverse square law magnitudes.
If the inverse square law gets untangled from Aristotle's ideas, all topics for new thinking. Importantly, professors hopefully will find ways to stop teaching fixed sun planetary motion explanations and also mutual gravitation. After all, a professor with a good conscience is just an honest woman or man with a university degree. Might take a hundred years but it'll work out. Throw in the internet, bit quicker.
If it helps explain the bolt from the blue that this little lot probably is, some of us learn from understanding. In contrast academics learn from understanding what others have understood. And then add to it. Those of us not chasing intellectual recognition or acclaim don't throw our lots in with stuff we hope others have understood. For an academic physicist to not mindlessly accept a three hundred year old acclaimed belief about a falling apple explaining the mutual gravitation of the universe is to look for a job elsewhere. Academia is not based on questioning the accepted is the point. That's been understood. The job of the academic is to make the accepted bigger, bolder and brighter. Which is fine if the accepted was right in the first place.
In general on this matter of difference between the university educated and us lessers, people with more intelligence climbing on board and trying to add to the idea of the universe having come from a big bang is a useless waste of our beautiful planet. If those of the planet smarter than the rest of us wake up about Sir Isaac's apple story, a mindset about whether or not the planet is worth the effort to humans should be around the corner. Personally reckon it's a bit of fun. But each to their own. Was born in rural Australia as a baby boomer. That probably clouds objectivity about the true value of life on earth.
If professors stop professing that every particle in the universe is attracting every other particle in the universe, weather and earthquakes permitting, tomorrow should have a few better days.
Perhaps surprisingly but reasonably obviously, getting the tides understood leaves Albert Einstein's theories and mathematical physics itself as offbeat and leftover adult intellectual disorders on a planet much more advanced than that.
If there is only the mass type of mass, etc........
Finding you hanging was just awful. The professors of the lucky country can do stuff for the nation and probably the world if they apply equal and opposite forces to the centre of the planet they are on. Hope it isn't to simple for them.
Love ya, mate. You were the son I always wanted to have. At the age of twelve, you just had bad luck with the girl you met.
The facts are, while an object falls towards the earth for one second, the earth advances a couple of hundred kilometres around the galaxy.
Apparent gravity direction/axis to the centre of a fixed earth and a descent path are not coincidental.
1/ An axis towards the centre of a fixed earth, in terms of descent within the motion of the earth's inverse square, is a descent datum. It is an apparent direction of gravity but it's not a descent path.
2/ A descent path is towards the path of the earth. Which is a curve around a moving earth.
This relatively slow moving curved motion can become an orbit if the descent falls through either of........
a/ The path of an inverse square law.
b/ An axis at a right angle to the path of the inverse square law.
As with the above illustration, falling objects accelerate towards these axii. If acceleration takes the falling object through one of these axis without falling as far as the surface of the earth the object's motion is then an ascension from the other side of that axis. Instead of accelerating towards the axis, the momentum previously gained in descent towards the axis causes the object to ascend from the other side of the axis. And the base element of an 'orbital' suspension is born.
That base element being descent momentum falling through and then rising above the other side of the path of a moving inverse square law or an axis perpendicular to the path of a moving inverse square law.
Understandably Aristotle and other pre Copernican fixed earth scholars were short of seeing this. For a Copernican scholar, it is bread and butter physics.
These impossibilities are evidently easiest seen by those rated in the subgenius category.
YouTube's proclamation of Einstein is actually a little hard on Sir Isaac Newton. Through his own words, Sir Isaac freely admitted to not understanding how gravity could act through distance instantaneously. Commendation for honestly specifying that he did not how gravity works doesn't go astray.
Newton and Einstein presumed gravity moves in some way or other from mass to mass. Once mutual gravitation becomes a thing of the past, it's apparent that inverse square laws are space itself. The propagation of gravity through space an unneeded consideration.
If professors face up to and are then forgiven by the rest of the world for their roles in perpetuating Sir Isaac's mutual gravitation blunder, the promise is taxes democratically collected around the world will be spent. Democracy works best when professors love the role of education within it.
When it comes to galactic planetary motion, in time universities will work out what to do. In future university corridors or wherever, all that needs doing is putting something like "of our fixed sun era" under portraits.
Then find a method to transfer those qualified as mathematical physicists to qualified moving inverse square law physicists. The world goes on as normal with the prospect of moving sun alterations to junior school curricula looming ahead. For mathematical physicists themselves there is a probable internal restructuring. But not much. There is plenty of mathematics to be done. Mathematical accounting loses standing as a reliable or appropriate proof of understanding is about all. Some university courses may lose relevance but not to many mathematical physics professors should need to look for jobs stacking shelves. With due respect to us shelf stacker types, mathematical physicists are more intelligent than us. If they have a moral compass they should be able to adjust to moving inverse square law reality when they enter lecture theatres.
Alternatively, if mathematical physics professors can justify their current craft to the world, best of luck to all concerned.
The time to say "Thank you, Sir Isaac, for having a go at the the tides and planetary motion" has passed. At the university level the time to say "cheerio to your several sleight of hand misconceptions" is the time at hand. After that it's "Hello future" to tomorrow without an apple story explaining the in depth nature of the universe.
Educationally and if they want it, present or future professors have the romantic notion of getting the schoolbooks up to speed about galactic planetary motion and also the equal and opposite nature of the tides in front of them. Really, what a wonderful time to be at an earth university.
If it helps explain the bolt from the blue that this little lot probably is, some of us learn from understanding. In contrast academics learn from understanding what others have understood. And then add to it. Those of us not chasing intellectual recognition or acclaim don't throw our lots in with stuff we hope others have understood. For an academic physicist to not mindlessly accept a three hundred year old acclaimed belief about a falling apple explaining the mutual gravitation of the universe is to look for a job elsewhere. Academia is not based on questioning the accepted is the point. That's been understood. The job of the academic is to make the accepted bigger, bolder and brighter. Which is fine if the accepted was right in the first place.
In general on this matter of difference between the university educated and us lessers, people with more intelligence climbing on board and trying to add to the idea of the universe having come from a big bang is a useless waste of our beautiful planet. If those of the planet smarter than the rest of us wake up about Sir Isaac's apple story, a mindset about whether or not the planet is worth the effort to humans should be around the corner. Personally reckon it's a bit of fun. But each to their own. Was born in rural Australia. That probably clouds objectivity about the true value of life on earth. But do like it. Wouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater sort of thing.
If professors stop professing that every particle in the universe is attracting every other particle in the universe, weather and earthquakes permitting, tomorrow should have a few better days.
If wanted the name is George. George Kingston. Have a lot of respect for life on earth and obviously believe in the value of good understandable knowledge to the planet. Mainly and like anybody else who can see planets can't go both up and down in the sun's gravity at the same time, better value around the place than Sir Isaac Newton's relationship with Johannes Kepler's three laws of planetary motion.
If inverse square laws are larger particles comprised of infinitesimal particles, adjacent tidal axii subject to two relative speeds will or would most likely explain day lengths. And the traffic lights are still off looking for pizzas. Usually pizzas are easy to find on our planet. So they may be back sometime. Or was it the toilet still. Who knows with stupid aliens from other planets.
Planetary speed magnitudes come tidal axii speed magnitudes are relative to each other. With respect of the motion of the sun, the diagrams are all timeless and the push vectors instantaneous forces.
Forgive me Abraham but you are one of the lost youth I wish to explain the tides of the planet we are on to. Your life seemed decent, simply didn't realize you were living below the emotional poverty line. Taking your own life at a young age is tragic. Just hope I can give the world a lift from here. Glad we are still in contact in the dreamworld.
Who would have thought ten months later.....
Out of interest you were named after Abraham Lincoln. I did not know exactly who the B.C. Abraham was when you were born. Also think it might have made your friends a bit sad. Aaron now has the old landcruiser. You were mixed up about the one he was interested in.
You had several answers when I said "if your girlfriend likes girls it's not going to end happy". Little did I think of it all leading to you taking your own life.
By now I have read your last few months on messenger. We have to respect the fact that a feeling for not being alive developed inside you. When this simply was not apparent on the outside, hope you forgive your parents. The fight you put up to be a regular part of the world is a testament to your true character. How I could have picked the depth of your disorientation, I just don't know. Very sad that the world lost someone with natural loyalty, good spirit and a developing love of wood at such a young age. Back when you were fifteen you were to far young to be sent to the front line of the sex war. On the other hand, suspect your gender friend was sent at a younger age.
With that expressed, I am very proud to have you for a son. To a member of the opposite sex, you went above and beyond the call of duty. When I was holding your body up to try and save you, I thought he has made a mistake, what is going on here. By now I know there was no mistake on your part. Can understand lesbianism in that the female body goes pretty well. But, like you I would say, find it hard to stop seeing the mother within. That might be a little poetic on your behalf, was surprised to read that you had tried or were thinking of trying cannabis. Also stand by my critique of your driving. In general accelerating hard is a waste of fuel. You reserve the foot down for when it's essential. When I got to your computer a few months later, from your messenger relationships, those sorts of things jumped out at me. Your life was complex. I can only apologize for not thinking deeply enough about what it must be like for a young man to find his lot in life being loyal to a lesbian after beginning the friendship a few years earlier without knowing much about that sort of thing.
By now I have read your last few months on messenger. We have to respect the fact that a feeling for not being alive developed inside you. When this simply was not apparent on the outside, hope you forgive your parents. The fight you put up to be a regular part of the world is a testament to your true character. How I could have picked the depth of your disorientation, I just don't know. Very sad that the world lost someone with natural loyalty, good spirit and a developing love of wood at such a young age. Back when you were fifteen you were to far young to be sent to the front line of the sex war. On the other hand, suspect your gender friend was sent at a younger age.
With that expressed, I am very proud to have you for a son. To a member of the opposite sex, you went above and beyond the call of duty. When I was holding your body up to try and save you, I thought he has made a mistake, what is going on here. By now I know there was no mistake on your part. Can understand lesbianism in that the female body goes pretty well. But, like you I would say, find it hard to stop seeing the mother within. That might be a little poetic on your behalf, was surprised to read that you had tried or were thinking of trying cannabis. Also stand by my critique of your driving. In general accelerating hard is a waste of fuel. You reserve the foot down for when it's essential. When I got to your computer a few months later, from your messenger relationships, those sorts of things jumped out at me. Your life was complex. I can only apologize for not thinking deeply enough about what it must be like for a young man to find his lot in life being loyal to a lesbian after beginning the friendship a few years earlier without knowing much about that sort of thing.
You had several answers when I said "if your girlfriend likes girls it's not going to end happy". Little did I think of it all leading to you taking your own life.
By now I have read your last few months on messenger. We have to respect the fact that a feeling for not being alive was developing inside you.
Best I can work out is you slowly started to feel caught in a trap you needed out of but your loving nature was to wander further in. I'm really not sure what could have been done but you needed a positive relationship with another girl to advance from the malaise of your best friend being a lesbian and her best friend being you. I can see you wanted to die from mid November on. Amidst whatever else, the relationship had made you feel insecure with respect of the way you had otherwise been doing your growing up. Giving your full support to a burgeoning lesbian relationship as the details came your way must have been draining after you finished your typing and you were all alone. Suffice is to say if I had read your messenger while you were alive, you probably still would be.
As it was I had pride growing as your cabinet making apprenticeship began. Good work ethic and a fast learner, just thought your self esteem would grow from there and your girlfriend liking girls would become something of the past. How wrong I was. At the same time you were having thoughts of ending your life. I knew it had to be an issue for you, but suicide just didn't cross my mind. You began as early puberty hetrosexual friends, wrongly I assumed that the hetrosexual part for you would end when she girled up at the adult entry point. Probably rightly, don't think I will ever stopped being disturbed by your end of life story. It happened so quickly and, in terms of emotional support, I was so inadequate. But must have only been five minutes away from getting in there in time and reviving you before the shock to all our systems began. When no one is around I often wail "Don't do it Brammy". I was to slow to understand she never really stopped being hetrosexual to you.
By now I have read your last few months on messenger. We have to respect the fact that a feeling for not being alive was developing inside you.
Best I can work out is you slowly started to feel caught in a trap you needed out of but your loving nature was to wander further in. I'm really not sure what could have been done but you needed a positive relationship with another girl to advance from the malaise of your best friend being a lesbian and her best friend being you. I can see you wanted to die from mid November on. Amidst whatever else, the relationship had made you feel insecure with respect of the way you had otherwise been doing your growing up. Giving your full support to a burgeoning lesbian relationship as the details came your way must have been draining after you finished your typing and you were all alone. Suffice is to say if I had read your messenger while you were alive, you probably still would be.
As it was I had pride growing as your cabinet making apprenticeship began. Good work ethic and a fast learner, just thought your self esteem would grow from there and your girlfriend liking girls would become something of the past. How wrong I was. At the same time you were having thoughts of ending your life. I knew it had to be an issue for you, but suicide just didn't cross my mind. You began as early puberty hetrosexual friends, wrongly I assumed that the hetrosexual part for you would end when she girled up at the adult entry point. Probably rightly, don't think I will ever stopped being disturbed by your end of life story. It happened so quickly and, in terms of emotional support, I was so inadequate. But must have only been five minutes away from getting in there in time and reviving you before the shock to all our systems began. When no one is around I often wail "Don't do it Brammy". I was to slow to understand she never really stopped being hetrosexual to you.
You had several answers when I said "if your girlfriend likes girls it's not going to end happy". Little did I think of it all leading to you taking your own life.
By now I have read your last few months on messenger. Best I can work out is you slowly saw being demeaned was your lot in life. In 2015 you were to young to deal with the fresh complexity of her life and develop your own life afresh as needed to be done. I'm really not sure what could have been done but you needed a relationship of substance with a girl to get you out of the malaise of your best friend being a lesbian and her best friend being you. I can see you wanted to die from mid November on.
By now I have read your last few months on messenger. Best I can work out is you slowly saw being demeaned was your lot in life. In 2015 you were to young to deal with the fresh complexity of her life and develop your own life afresh as needed to be done. I'm really not sure what could have been done but you needed a relationship of substance with a girl to get you out of the malaise of your best friend being a lesbian and her best friend being you. I can see you wanted to die from mid November on.
You had several answers when I said "if your girlfriend likes girls it's not going to end happy". Little did I think of it all leading to you taking your own life.
By now I have read your last few months on messenger. Best I can work out is you slowly saw you were being demeaned. The parental irony being I was feeling proud of you and your venture into your cabinet making apprenticeship during those last few months. Not an excuse. I miscalculated. I assessed that your new found love of wood was going to be the answer to the unusual girl complication that came to be yours. I was wrong. The lesson in life being when a girl tells a boy she is a lesbian, it doesn't set them apart as friends. In your case you became each other's closest friends. For me the sending of her first in bed lesbian experience to you was plain awful. Hetrosexuals 1. Lesbians 0.
By now I have read your last few months on messenger. Best I can work out is you slowly saw you were being demeaned. The parental irony being I was feeling proud of you and your venture into your cabinet making apprenticeship during those last few months. Not an excuse. I miscalculated. I assessed that your new found love of wood was going to be the answer to the unusual girl complication that came to be yours. I was wrong. The lesson in life being when a girl tells a boy she is a lesbian, it doesn't set them apart as friends. In your case you became each other's closest friends. For me the sending of her first in bed lesbian experience to you was plain awful. Hetrosexuals 1. Lesbians 0.
When she woke up to her sexuality, you had an almost unique problem to negotiate. Four years later, when you took to your cabinet making apprenticeship the way you did, thought the problem would become a thing of the past for you. But that's not the way it worked out.
Your only real fault being accepting a platonic relationship at the age of fourteen. Your parents could see this was going to be a problem, but never did we envisage you taking your own life at the age of eighteen over the matter. You had sound relationships everywhere else, still amazed that you did what you did a quarter of an hour after leaving the room with a pat of the dog and after a weekend hanging out with girls.
Incidentally, when your science teacher started on about your lacklustre attitude to his class in year nine, did try to tell him that he was teaching lies, anyway. All I can say is the Einstein world is a tough nut to crack. Somehow Sir Isaac Newton's apple story has got itself above democracy. Professors are unapproachable about its flaws. Parliamentarians uninterested.

Once again, in loving memory of Abraham George Kingston. Aaron, Adam, Bailey and Lachlan waiting for us outside the funeral parlour was the most moving moment of my life. Since then Christchurch has happened.

In loving memory of Abraham George Kingston. 13/04/2000 - 17/02/2019. When your son was a genius, you know you married the right woman.
(I did say to you several times if your girlfriend now likes girls and your still close friends it's not going to end happy for you. But ultimately your father let you down. I miscalculated that your positive move into a cabinet making apprenticeship would take care of the problem that became intractable to you. With the addition of an intro and very little alteration since, the night you gave the dog a pat and walked out of the room, browsed the internet a little and then hung yourself about ten metres away was on a day I had declared this project finished. You were named after Abraham Lincoln, not the Abraham of the Abrahamic religions. From your father's point of view, to be so polite and uncomplaining to your parents and so confused about the love hand you had been dealt in life means the world lost it best Abraham ever on the 17th of February 2019. As much as I could see that you would have to have a problem, not for one second did I consider that you would solve it the way you did. I have had that dream where I hugged you and you were happy. Except to mention that your your sister has good friends helping her through the trauma of finding you, we will leave it at that. If you are young person living in despair, may this webpage of hope reach you in time. There always is an answer. And if you are a terrorist or budding terrorist, instead of killing innocent people, tell your teachers to teach the motion of the sun.)
(I did say to you several times if your girlfriend now likes girls and your still close friends it's not going to end happy for you. But ultimately your father let you down. I miscalculated that your positive move into a cabinet making apprenticeship would take care of the problem that became intractable to you. With the addition of an intro and very little alteration since, the night you gave the dog a pat and walked out of the room, browsed the internet a little and then hung yourself about ten metres away was on a day I had declared this project finished. You were named after Abraham Lincoln, not the Abraham of the Abrahamic religions. From your father's point of view, to be so polite and uncomplaining to your parents and so confused about the love hand you had been dealt in life means the world lost it best Abraham ever on the 17th of February 2019. As much as I could see that you would have to have a problem, not for one second did I consider that you would solve it the way you did. I have had that dream where I hugged you and you were happy. Except to mention that your your sister has good friends helping her through the trauma of finding you, we will leave it at that. If you are young person living in despair, may this webpage of hope reach you in time. There always is an answer. And if you are a terrorist or budding terrorist, instead of killing innocent people, tell your teachers to teach the motion of the sun.)