The head of the Melbourne University physics department suggested this publication. I had met him and shown him these tables. Later an email arrived. The tables are a suggestion of a relationship between turn rates of gravity fields and the turn rate of the planet within. This suggestion will be explained in depth later. In reality the return email was a physics head cop out. A professor respectful of the Copernican revolution should have felt the tables called for active investigative duty. Presumably because during the dialogue the previous day the professor had not been interested in engaging with the glossed over irrationalities of mutual gravitation.
So I do what we call gravity simple relative to Newton, Einstein and probably anyone else on the planet. In my bias, I reckon my analysis of the gravity of the universe is as the professor true and the existing the one has the base mistake of or problem of unquestioningly accepting the Newtonian that the earth moves towards a falling apple as the apple falls to the earth. Importantly it does not carry any mutual apple earth flaws. Also the analysis does not preclude successful space ventures. It does rationalize the reason of the universe as the force causing a never ending number. That number being the inexact and finite ratio between the circumference and its diameter. In it's hitherto complexities, mutual gravity has been able to account for why a universe exists. This simple view explains that a universe is the natural central inexactness of spatial geometry. The fact that it is a seen universe ordered on a periodic table of elements is left as a surprise. All the view demonstrates is that there must be a perpetual motion of three dimensional particles in the centre of the three dimensions. That is a universe naturally exists. The non existence of a universe would be geometrical unnatural.
Being baby boomed onto a post war Australian farm set the stage for wanting to understand why a universe existed. The mother, well she was a moderately active Christian teaching a bit of Sunday School every couple of weeks. Dad, blowed if I know much about him. We were friends when he died. There had been thirty years not so in the lead up to his last days. He developed himself into a successful farmer for his time and place after getting back from the second world war unscathed. Then he scathed himself through a rabbit. Reached into a truck to grab a shotgun. An unintended discharge occurred. His hip took the brunt of the pellets. The blood loss can't have been stemming from a major artery. Medical help wasn't close handy but he lived albeit with a limp from then on. Anyway he was to meet a nurse while getting rehabilitated. So you know they get married, and, Captain Cook and the subsequent convicts aside, if the Johnny come lately colonialist hadn't introduced the bunnies to the kangaroos, nobody would be saying Pi calculating itself is the reason of kangaroos. Perhaps not anyway. Cheers to anybody else on the finite space wavelength. Way to go Joe.
The significance moments of this great science of mine are what. There mightn't be any. We could start with learning about the earth sun switch. The earth sun switch is once upon time in religion the earth was believed to be fixed right here in the centre of the universe.
That is an artists impression only. I am one of these jokers who just stares out at size of the universe in amazement. Not someone who takes in the progressive positional changes of night objects from one viewing to the next. Those European blokes back in the centuries working out that the earth is in motion relative to the sun can only be admired. No city lights or television, that sort of stuff to put them off their star gazing routines, but those extraordinary observations would be when religion began to shatter. Tycho Brahe, a Danish gent who seems to have been a spare time drunkard, is accorded the best naked eye planetary motion observations. It was from his observations that the German, Johannes Kepler was able to put together the foundation of this table that left the earth not as the central object of the universe.
Errantly, though, the table based itself on the sun being fixed in the centre of the universe. This is now known to be another mistake. This time it is the quasi religion of mathematical physics that has a mistake in its heart. Anyway at about the age of nine became thrilled to find out how lucky I was to get born on this side of the earth sun switch. Felt for all the nine year olds that had been told and taught the earth is in the centre of the universe. They would have lived their lives truth ignorant from there. Scholastically the earth sun switch is known as the Copernican revolution.
Another significant moment would have also been at about the age of nine or thereabouts at least. The way I was told or absorbed the Newton apple story was Sir Isaac Newton had seen an apple fall and worked out that the earth had caused the apple to fall. Wanted to know how he had worked that out,
Ideally the world would have done better for itself than me delivering its right track gravity. Never been a posterity documenter. If there is other past photos, don't ask me where to find them. It was somewhere between the taking of these couple of photos that the Copernican revolution and I separated.
Not sure if it was before or shortly after the taking of the younger photo that something happened that may or may not be of intelligence improving significance. A1968 car accident anyway. There was heap of us crammed into a station wagon going to a football clinic. Almost there and a cross roads collision with another vehicle. No one killed and I was the worst injured. Pre seat belt days. Came out of the car and evidently skidded head first into a white guide post. Woke up in hospital with a blackened and bruised noggin. Ever since have had a neck issue. Bit of a stoop and can be painful doing a chore like driving a header or combine harvester with the head cocked forward for long hours. That is all bye the by. After recovery from the accident my classroom performance seemed to improve. The classroom joke became some get brain damage from concussion. George got brain improvement. I don't put all that much stock in that version of events. But shouldn't hurt to mention it. Also it is probably where a view of life after death reality began. There was no known body leaving at the time, though.
Anyway it was just after this accident that Newtonian physics was seriously engaged with in the classroom. At the time there was no thought of being the only one or seemingly the first on the planet to see that the world was living false explanations about both the tides and planetary motion.
So can't anyone else see that considering where the earth would go if the sun has no gravity is a completely stupid track for us to be going down. The sun always has its gravity is the hub of the stupidity. Remember leaving the classroom for a kick of the footy and saying to myself "they haven't got that right yet." This diagram lifted from the internet is the way I was taught the physics of planetary motion. If the planet followed this so called tendency direction in the slightest, it would be requiring a lifting force to do so. To a particular fifteen year old mind this was, as mentioned, completely stupid.
Anyway it was just after this accident that Newtonian physics was seriously engaged with in the classroom. At the time there was no thought of being the only one or seemingly the first on the planet to see that the world was living false explanations about both the tides and planetary motion.
So can't anyone else see that considering where the earth would go if the sun has no gravity is a completely stupid track for us to be going down. The sun always has its gravity is the hub of the stupidity. Remember leaving the classroom for a kick of the footy and saying to myself "they haven't got that right yet." This diagram lifted from the internet is the way I was taught the physics of planetary motion. If the planet followed this so called tendency direction in the slightest, it would be requiring a lifting force to do so. To a particular fifteen year old mind this was, as mentioned, completely stupid.
If no one else can see the irrelevancy of where the earth or any planet would go if the sun's gravity was absent, hard to give the planet much chance of surviving its scientists. Got a lot of respect for science in general actually, but that is just plain pathetic.
Some teaching methods come space agencies manufacture a suspension model what is fondly known as Newton's cannon ball. If everybody is content with employing the curvature of the earth as a component of a satellite's suspensions, no one wants to spoil the party. Satellites, way to go in the modern world. Love an altimeter sitting on the dash of the car.
The right answer, though is staring anybody who can break from the Newtonian apple story lifestyle that the planet lives. All descents are relative motions is that right answer. Professors, space agencies and students alike can decide whether or not the cannon ball use of escape velocity as a relative velocity is legitimate science as we get a little further along. As a fresh beginning point though, understanding that descent is a relative velocity saves interchanging the curvature of the earth for the down direction.
Some teaching methods come space agencies manufacture a suspension model what is fondly known as Newton's cannon ball. If everybody is content with employing the curvature of the earth as a component of a satellite's suspensions, no one wants to spoil the party. Satellites, way to go in the modern world. Love an altimeter sitting on the dash of the car.
The right answer, though is staring anybody who can break from the Newtonian apple story lifestyle that the planet lives. All descents are relative motions is that right answer. Professors, space agencies and students alike can decide whether or not the cannon ball use of escape velocity as a relative velocity is legitimate science as we get a little further along. As a fresh beginning point though, understanding that descent is a relative velocity saves interchanging the curvature of the earth for the down direction.
Anyway regardless of its curvature. this is what happens to a planet when a fixed sun constantly has its gravity. The sleight of hand intermittent turning off of the sun's gravity is disregard. According to those who believe in it, inertia is the quality of matter that causes the magnitude of a motion of matter to be unchanging or uniform. I prefer the term inverse square law to gravity. Regardless gravity unquestionably causes matter to accelerate or potentially accelerate. In a rudimentary classroom manner, If you add a uniform motion at a right angle to an acceleration to that acceleration, this is what you get. A spiral into the sun. There will not be a mathematical physicist on the planet that can show that that is wrong.
On the other hand if you have unremittable Einsteinian love, you are not going to be interested in assessing whether or not that the base solution to orbital motion is that all descents are a relative motion.
My main beef is with the errors of physics I was taught at school over fifty years ago. They are still being taught. Throwing modesty aside, I passed physics at the secondary school level. There is no subsequent tertiary accreditation involved. We best do natural or blank space geometry first but, if it is of interest, the first step I took to get on the descent is a relative motion path is determining that the moon you see at night, whatever the direction and speed of the earth, experiences a 2 km/sec momentum change every 14 days and that the earth's gravity direction as applied to the moon is directed to do this. Meaning that the earth's gravity is directed to supply the moon with momentum for 14 days. And then directed to remove momentum from the moon for the next 14 days. Meaning the moon's momentum is not inertial as in the Einstein world. It is sinusoidal. That is only the beginning of the story and things key up in hopefully a world calming way from there.
This is just assembling pictures from recorded data. Whatever the real velocity of the central body, as shown here, a satellite's momentum is in a sinusoidal rhythm with respect of the motion of the central gravity field.
This is just assembling pictures from recorded data. Whatever the real velocity of the central body, as shown here, a satellite's momentum is in a sinusoidal rhythm with respect of the motion of the central gravity field.
The expectant world calming news is non Newtonian gravity field size calculations show that the moon has already left the earth's gravity field. With a desire to keep things simple, that does complicate this simple picture of the earth moon relationship. For now suffice to say a Greek by the name of Aristarchus first proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system in the B.C. period. It was almost two thousand years later that institutional scholarship came to the heliocentric solar system party. Here's to it being a deal less than two thousand years from now before institutional scholarship leaves its inertial party comes to the descent is a relative motion party.
So this is just skirting the edges of the mistakes Sir Isaac Newton made and become entrenched in juvenile learning. The two models of the universe at the moment are god did or a big bang did it. I would prefer to just concentrate on the mistakes I was taught when I was a juvenile. But, as an explanation of those mistakes leads to question marks about how can the moon not be in the earth's gravity field and still be a stable relationship with the earth, going to an explanation of why a universe exists become incumbent.
Space is an infinite force that is dividing its self in half and a consequence of that division is a universe. Or it is something else. I don't care. Just don't start fighting wars on behalf of the division. Unless you can train your mind to think big, chances are that will just be words to you. Personally I do not believe that the origin of Newton's third law
So this is just skirting the edges of the mistakes Sir Isaac Newton made and become entrenched in juvenile learning. The two models of the universe at the moment are god did or a big bang did it. I would prefer to just concentrate on the mistakes I was taught when I was a juvenile. But, as an explanation of those mistakes leads to question marks about how can the moon not be in the earth's gravity field and still be a stable relationship with the earth, going to an explanation of why a universe exists become incumbent.
Space is an infinite force that is dividing its self in half and a consequence of that division is a universe. Or it is something else. I don't care. Just don't start fighting wars on behalf of the division. Unless you can train your mind to think big, chances are that will just be words to you. Personally I do not believe that the origin of Newton's third law