Restricted genius. Or off with academic fairies. If they have got this far, probably wouldn't hurt if professors and children can note an absence of ****.
The so far choices of why we are here are
1/ A super natural friend of our souls.
2/ A big bang phenomena.
3/ As part of the centre of the circle. Could be as stupid as anything else. Seems to make sense to Martians.
In terms of awakening perceptions of length, width and breadth, a supernatural friend of our souls is understandable . Beyond the discernment of the periodic table of elements, has a question mark. If a unified planetary world calendar was seen as worthwhile, this year would (probably) be 834 pre-alignment and next year would be 833 pre-alignment and so on, reducing each year as it goes. As long as the universities have the planetary alignment years within reason, a planetary alignment calendar gives universities a different outlook as one year ends and another begins. A different sense of destiny as it were. A settled sense of destiny calendar is probably a good idea for the future, anyway.
A big bang phenomena is trying to solve the universe through the mathematicians equals sign. Leaves the question of where matter comes from unaddressed.
After a determination of whether or not the largeness of space is a diameter in conflict with a perimeter, part of the centre of the circle is just geometry.
Importantly, whatever the real answer to the universe is, it's also the only possible way we can tune in with reality.
For reasons whatever, Albert Einstein wanted right answers. But, as an adult, was told by existing academia to add to existing ideas. Not check them out. How some one with Einstein's intelligence simply accepts mass exists in two forms that are same is close to a complete mystery.
With due respects, no harm if current mathematicians or physicists do an intelligent stock take of their beliefs. How much of mathematical physics is a charade is anyone's guess. Personally get suspicion when something is said to be founded on equations. Equations can easily manipulate vectors.
Also in 1919 both the sun and observed stars moved over a six month period. There was no account of this in the observations taken as original proof of general relativity. Light bending as it passes through an inverse square law may be a truth. To keep things in scientific order, before a space time curvature could be declared, time would need clear definition. Otherwise that envisaged curvature is beginning in intellectual hope and not known science.
Alternatively, the first who says they know Einstein's theories are proven, tell someone what time is. If success there, explain how and why space and time are unified.
Or just be honest and admit that mathematical physics is tuning mathematics into observations with either afore or after thought and saying that's the observations understood. A space time continuum being a myriad of curves around every particle in the universe all at once is much more senseless than Sir Isaac Newton's law of mutual gravitation. But each to their own.
1/ A super natural friend of our souls.
2/ A big bang phenomena.
3/ As part of the centre of the circle. Could be as stupid as anything else. Seems to make sense to Martians.
In terms of awakening perceptions of length, width and breadth, a supernatural friend of our souls is understandable . Beyond the discernment of the periodic table of elements, has a question mark. If a unified planetary world calendar was seen as worthwhile, this year would (probably) be 834 pre-alignment and next year would be 833 pre-alignment and so on, reducing each year as it goes. As long as the universities have the planetary alignment years within reason, a planetary alignment calendar gives universities a different outlook as one year ends and another begins. A different sense of destiny as it were. A settled sense of destiny calendar is probably a good idea for the future, anyway.
A big bang phenomena is trying to solve the universe through the mathematicians equals sign. Leaves the question of where matter comes from unaddressed.
After a determination of whether or not the largeness of space is a diameter in conflict with a perimeter, part of the centre of the circle is just geometry.
Importantly, whatever the real answer to the universe is, it's also the only possible way we can tune in with reality.
For reasons whatever, Albert Einstein wanted right answers. But, as an adult, was told by existing academia to add to existing ideas. Not check them out. How some one with Einstein's intelligence simply accepts mass exists in two forms that are same is close to a complete mystery.
With due respects, no harm if current mathematicians or physicists do an intelligent stock take of their beliefs. How much of mathematical physics is a charade is anyone's guess. Personally get suspicion when something is said to be founded on equations. Equations can easily manipulate vectors.
Also in 1919 both the sun and observed stars moved over a six month period. There was no account of this in the observations taken as original proof of general relativity. Light bending as it passes through an inverse square law may be a truth. To keep things in scientific order, before a space time curvature could be declared, time would need clear definition. Otherwise that envisaged curvature is beginning in intellectual hope and not known science.
Alternatively, the first who says they know Einstein's theories are proven, tell someone what time is. If success there, explain how and why space and time are unified.
Or just be honest and admit that mathematical physics is tuning mathematics into observations with either afore or after thought and saying that's the observations understood. A space time continuum being a myriad of curves around every particle in the universe all at once is much more senseless than Sir Isaac Newton's law of mutual gravitation. But each to their own.