Dreams that have happened. First known one Sook Chin in Penang before the funeral. In her dream she saw Abraham and asked him why he had done what he did. He then left.
With me voice says “He is hiding behind John” (first week or so)
A few days later John’s landcruiser backwards parked at trough. See Abraham in new house. The door wrongly faces north. I put my arms around Abraham and say with great emotion “I can touch you”.
When at Concongella:- was driving taxi. Having trouble getting elderly passengers to tabaret. Start wailing “I shouldn’t be driving taxis, my son took his own life two months ago”. We aren’t in a taxi I walk and carry them to taberet. Afterwards can’t find taxi. Search for it. Take a call. Say Stawell taxis. It’s Veronica the taxi owner. I tell her I have lost the taxi. She says don’t worry about it the police are onto it or something. Go to your Stawell house. I tell her Ambulance victoria still have it. Then she says go to some other house Jo will take care of it. Jo Smith a former taxi driver is at this other house with daughters Kylie and Elsie. Kylie and Elsie are relaxing. I offer them a sandwich. Then Abraham is there I say I'll have to find another sandwich. Our eyes meet both seemingly with the realization that we are seeing each other after he has died. He seems a little shy but its something of a father son moment of truth for both of us. The four us us, Kylie Elsie Abraham and I leave in the green car. I wake in Concongella just so thrilled to have seen Abraham in context of life as it is and tell Jo (Kingston) in the morning.
A little later at Concongella :- the whole family was together somewhere or other with Abraham saying he might come and go a bit.
IN Stawell. In a car. I take a video with my phone and send it to Elsie. It comes out with Abraham and I viewed in the left hand side mirror of the car with our cheeks against each others.
In Kota Kinabalu Borneo when dream happens. Abraham hops in land cruiser outside Stawell football ground to drive away. Looks like he knows what he is doing. Later in day interpret dream to mean he has taken care of the gathering at the Gift hotel after his funeral. We (kylie) actually had trouble driving away.
Me driving a taxi in stawell. Its sunday. See a lot of taxis queued up on the corner of main and wimmera on the old mitre 10 side. Abraham in the front one. I turn around the corner and pick up Peter Campbell in the main street outside some function. He is drunk and wants to go 201 class street Concongella. I try to use a Melways as the internet to find it and struggle. Only remember it was Abraham in front cab after I wake up. Mild surprise not so much to see him, but see him as a taxi driver.
Talking to a policeman about Abraham and him being suicidal and having taken his life. We go up a down escalator. I get angry when the policemen seems to dismiss a switch of someone to lesbianism as the cause. He shakes his head and says he wasn’t dismissive. Going up the down escalator is a one way relationship or something he explains.
17/10/2019 Vague as waking up. Said to myself (awake) that’s Abraham. Tracey Barber had somehow put a picture of him in front of me. He was happy and his hair at the longer length.
18/10/2019 somehow Abraham was born again and Elsie had got rid of her grown up self and was a baby again. There was a van outside our stawell house and Jo said ‘My boy is here’.
25/10/2019 Abraham had left school. I was going to go to Murtoa and say he was still doing his apprenticeship. Seemed to be Lubeck and a bit of plumbing fittings needed.
28/10/2019 complicated. Didn't see Abraham. Something about stairs being built out of his grave. Just hope it was all good. Can't recall details
29/10/2019 Caught Adam and Abraham fooling around looking liking hanging themselves. They said they were only doing it because they knew i would catch them. Woke up unimpressed. As a dream suppose it was ok. Good to see Abraham and Adam together.
1/11/2019 Didn’t see Abraham but was on the phone to insurance or someone about him being in Queensland and someone had gone through a red light and crashed into his car. Something like that.
6/11/2019 Vague and in the middle of the night. Abraham was preparing to die. Or had been preparing to die. Heard it was Abraham’s melbourne cup. Not sure about that. Jo and I did both back the winner . It was a charmed run with buffeting at the end.
17/11/2019. Abraham was a toddler. We were in a bookshop or shop similar. Abraham was being friendly with a youngster younger than him. Both were very happy. I was worried he would make the younger one cry and his mother would come running back from another part of the store. That didn’t happen they were both happy.
6/12/2019 Didn’t see Abraham. Was going to his school to see how he had settled down after some incident of other. Was talking to a teacher when suddenly remembered he had died a fortnight before. The teacher didn’t know. Then seemed to get lost and had put my wallet down in someone’s house. Woke with my father driving and we are approaching the Stawell cemetery although it didn’t look exactly like the Stawell cemetery.
15/12/2019 Vague in middle of night. Think Abrham was there. A car rolled down a hill. Minor damage when another was hit. John seemed to be there the most. Very vague and unsure of dream.
21/12/2019 Was riding a motorbike. Had a pillion passenger. It was Abraham. He had his white shirt on and was particularly close. I thought if he wants to be that close its not bothering me but he doesn’t have to be. Or something like that. Then he was half around in front of me asking if it was ok if he had some more funds. More or less woke up then unsure if it was fun or funds but probably funds. Pretty sure I answered in the affirmative in the dream although I definitely did when I woke. Initially when waking just a little annoyed that it was only a dream and that is the way it is. But that didn’t last long. Not annoyed at all. In the dream there was nothing unusual about being with Abraham.
22/12/2019 Same annoyance again upon waking. Can only see Abraham in a dream. But still. Remember it all pretty well. John Steele and Adraian Tyler had been in it to do with wood and little motors and John having been paid a million dollars for something to do with the Melbourne cup. Then Abraham was driving not sure what car. He passed John Kingston riding a push bike. There was something about boiling eggs. It was at John’s place. When Abraham got back he was in a caravan in front of Dad’s old house. I went crook at him for accelerating like that said there was no need for it. He said well things are different Mother has Monday and Tuesday off. Woke up with a lot of mixed feelings but he looked pretty relaxed driving the car the way he was. Good on you Bram. Reckon it was fun and not funds in previous night’s dream. You so much seemed your normal self. Seeing you in dreams seems pedestrian and mundane compared to the high emotion of grieving. But it’s good.
Abraham's eighteenth birthday. The man you see on the right wishes to respect the fact Abraham reached a point in life where he didn't wish to be alive and to honour him with diagrams that lead to the most probable reason of why Venus turns backwards as the earth moves forward.
Just as a side note, in 2013 the three younger ones in the photo were asked whether or not the sun is moving. The girls were late secondary school at the time and both answered "no". Abraham also answered no but added "it's turning". The girls are now university graduates and still live without understanding the significance of the discovery of the motion of the sun to life on earth. Basically if the average university graduate can wake up to the mistakes in the Copernican revolution that the letters after their names are carrying, a new found appreciation of the planet we are on should ensue. The layman theory is no one is born all that bad and most are born pretty good. With a jump ahead to the motion of the sun at the lower education level, the world will have a new base to understand itself from.
If interested am just someone who, when at school, saw Sir Isaac Newton had a few vectors incongruous with the problems he was trying to solve. Here's the table and diagrams that should or could change the world for the better. Except for the rotation cause column, the table is readily available on the internet. Those with a university education will be incredulous when they see the push vectors on the diagrams. If the vectors are true, university life can only be reborn.
With me voice says “He is hiding behind John” (first week or so)
A few days later John’s landcruiser backwards parked at trough. See Abraham in new house. The door wrongly faces north. I put my arms around Abraham and say with great emotion “I can touch you”.
When at Concongella:- was driving taxi. Having trouble getting elderly passengers to tabaret. Start wailing “I shouldn’t be driving taxis, my son took his own life two months ago”. We aren’t in a taxi I walk and carry them to taberet. Afterwards can’t find taxi. Search for it. Take a call. Say Stawell taxis. It’s Veronica the taxi owner. I tell her I have lost the taxi. She says don’t worry about it the police are onto it or something. Go to your Stawell house. I tell her Ambulance victoria still have it. Then she says go to some other house Jo will take care of it. Jo Smith a former taxi driver is at this other house with daughters Kylie and Elsie. Kylie and Elsie are relaxing. I offer them a sandwich. Then Abraham is there I say I'll have to find another sandwich. Our eyes meet both seemingly with the realization that we are seeing each other after he has died. He seems a little shy but its something of a father son moment of truth for both of us. The four us us, Kylie Elsie Abraham and I leave in the green car. I wake in Concongella just so thrilled to have seen Abraham in context of life as it is and tell Jo (Kingston) in the morning.
A little later at Concongella :- the whole family was together somewhere or other with Abraham saying he might come and go a bit.
IN Stawell. In a car. I take a video with my phone and send it to Elsie. It comes out with Abraham and I viewed in the left hand side mirror of the car with our cheeks against each others.
In Kota Kinabalu Borneo when dream happens. Abraham hops in land cruiser outside Stawell football ground to drive away. Looks like he knows what he is doing. Later in day interpret dream to mean he has taken care of the gathering at the Gift hotel after his funeral. We (kylie) actually had trouble driving away.
Me driving a taxi in stawell. Its sunday. See a lot of taxis queued up on the corner of main and wimmera on the old mitre 10 side. Abraham in the front one. I turn around the corner and pick up Peter Campbell in the main street outside some function. He is drunk and wants to go 201 class street Concongella. I try to use a Melways as the internet to find it and struggle. Only remember it was Abraham in front cab after I wake up. Mild surprise not so much to see him, but see him as a taxi driver.
Talking to a policeman about Abraham and him being suicidal and having taken his life. We go up a down escalator. I get angry when the policemen seems to dismiss a switch of someone to lesbianism as the cause. He shakes his head and says he wasn’t dismissive. Going up the down escalator is a one way relationship or something he explains.
17/10/2019 Vague as waking up. Said to myself (awake) that’s Abraham. Tracey Barber had somehow put a picture of him in front of me. He was happy and his hair at the longer length.
18/10/2019 somehow Abraham was born again and Elsie had got rid of her grown up self and was a baby again. There was a van outside our stawell house and Jo said ‘My boy is here’.
25/10/2019 Abraham had left school. I was going to go to Murtoa and say he was still doing his apprenticeship. Seemed to be Lubeck and a bit of plumbing fittings needed.
28/10/2019 complicated. Didn't see Abraham. Something about stairs being built out of his grave. Just hope it was all good. Can't recall details
29/10/2019 Caught Adam and Abraham fooling around looking liking hanging themselves. They said they were only doing it because they knew i would catch them. Woke up unimpressed. As a dream suppose it was ok. Good to see Abraham and Adam together.
1/11/2019 Didn’t see Abraham but was on the phone to insurance or someone about him being in Queensland and someone had gone through a red light and crashed into his car. Something like that.
6/11/2019 Vague and in the middle of the night. Abraham was preparing to die. Or had been preparing to die. Heard it was Abraham’s melbourne cup. Not sure about that. Jo and I did both back the winner . It was a charmed run with buffeting at the end.
17/11/2019. Abraham was a toddler. We were in a bookshop or shop similar. Abraham was being friendly with a youngster younger than him. Both were very happy. I was worried he would make the younger one cry and his mother would come running back from another part of the store. That didn’t happen they were both happy.
6/12/2019 Didn’t see Abraham. Was going to his school to see how he had settled down after some incident of other. Was talking to a teacher when suddenly remembered he had died a fortnight before. The teacher didn’t know. Then seemed to get lost and had put my wallet down in someone’s house. Woke with my father driving and we are approaching the Stawell cemetery although it didn’t look exactly like the Stawell cemetery.
15/12/2019 Vague in middle of night. Think Abrham was there. A car rolled down a hill. Minor damage when another was hit. John seemed to be there the most. Very vague and unsure of dream.
21/12/2019 Was riding a motorbike. Had a pillion passenger. It was Abraham. He had his white shirt on and was particularly close. I thought if he wants to be that close its not bothering me but he doesn’t have to be. Or something like that. Then he was half around in front of me asking if it was ok if he had some more funds. More or less woke up then unsure if it was fun or funds but probably funds. Pretty sure I answered in the affirmative in the dream although I definitely did when I woke. Initially when waking just a little annoyed that it was only a dream and that is the way it is. But that didn’t last long. Not annoyed at all. In the dream there was nothing unusual about being with Abraham.
22/12/2019 Same annoyance again upon waking. Can only see Abraham in a dream. But still. Remember it all pretty well. John Steele and Adraian Tyler had been in it to do with wood and little motors and John having been paid a million dollars for something to do with the Melbourne cup. Then Abraham was driving not sure what car. He passed John Kingston riding a push bike. There was something about boiling eggs. It was at John’s place. When Abraham got back he was in a caravan in front of Dad’s old house. I went crook at him for accelerating like that said there was no need for it. He said well things are different Mother has Monday and Tuesday off. Woke up with a lot of mixed feelings but he looked pretty relaxed driving the car the way he was. Good on you Bram. Reckon it was fun and not funds in previous night’s dream. You so much seemed your normal self. Seeing you in dreams seems pedestrian and mundane compared to the high emotion of grieving. But it’s good.
Abraham's eighteenth birthday. The man you see on the right wishes to respect the fact Abraham reached a point in life where he didn't wish to be alive and to honour him with diagrams that lead to the most probable reason of why Venus turns backwards as the earth moves forward.
Just as a side note, in 2013 the three younger ones in the photo were asked whether or not the sun is moving. The girls were late secondary school at the time and both answered "no". Abraham also answered no but added "it's turning". The girls are now university graduates and still live without understanding the significance of the discovery of the motion of the sun to life on earth. Basically if the average university graduate can wake up to the mistakes in the Copernican revolution that the letters after their names are carrying, a new found appreciation of the planet we are on should ensue. The layman theory is no one is born all that bad and most are born pretty good. With a jump ahead to the motion of the sun at the lower education level, the world will have a new base to understand itself from.
If interested am just someone who, when at school, saw Sir Isaac Newton had a few vectors incongruous with the problems he was trying to solve. Here's the table and diagrams that should or could change the world for the better. Except for the rotation cause column, the table is readily available on the internet. Those with a university education will be incredulous when they see the push vectors on the diagrams. If the vectors are true, university life can only be reborn.
This is an unusual story that may have a world impact. If it doesn't, it doesn't and the wish is the tragedy was not in it.
On February the seventeenth 2019 our son took his own life. Almost nineteen, he had a dilemma. At the age of twelve a schoolyard friendship had begun. With a member of the opposite sex. In turn, at the age of fifteen or so she rejected hetrosexuality. I hadn't met the girl and just thought "well that's the end of that". The problem was the affection between the two grew. He looked at the situation and became acceptive and supportive.
He was told at times that being to loyal to a girl that didn't look like being for him was not necessarily sensible. The years went by. At the year twelve graduation dinner clips and photos of the pair together rolled across a screen. They were described as the pair most talked about in the staffroom.
Shortly later Abraham began an apprenticeship as a cabinet maker. And his friend found a girlfriend. A few months later he came home from spending a weekend with her and other friends. A little later I arrived home. He came out of his room, we exchanged a few friendly words while he was scratching a dog's tummy. He left the room and shortly after hung himself. We found him about ten minutes to late and, with the assistance of 000, were unable to revive him.
As a father I have been left feeling a complete failure. Firstly for never considering that he could be suicidal. And secondly for being a little slow to fully address the conundrum he had to be living. The best he got out of me was "if your girlfriend likes girls, it's not going to end happy". All I was contemplating was a few months moping, nothing as dramatic as what was to happen.
It would not have completely been the hopelessness of this otherwise sound friendship. The topsy turvy mood of the world would have been in there to. En masse, each generation seems to be a little more lost when it comes to just what this world that they have born into exactly happens to be.
I would give anything for Abraham to still be alive and developing into his adulthood. And he probably would be if I could have got these words public before he died. Beyond the Copernican revolution, the solar system looks like being a corkscrewing gearbox advancing around a galaxy. That's what those words are. If they are accurate and the world ever gets to understand them, the overall mood of the world should lift considerably.
On February the seventeenth 2019 our son took his own life. Almost nineteen, he had a dilemma. At the age of twelve a schoolyard friendship had begun. With a member of the opposite sex. In turn, at the age of fifteen or so she rejected hetrosexuality. I hadn't met the girl and just thought "well that's the end of that". The problem was the affection between the two grew. He looked at the situation and became acceptive and supportive.
He was told at times that being to loyal to a girl that didn't look like being for him was not necessarily sensible. The years went by. At the year twelve graduation dinner clips and photos of the pair together rolled across a screen. They were described as the pair most talked about in the staffroom.
Shortly later Abraham began an apprenticeship as a cabinet maker. And his friend found a girlfriend. A few months later he came home from spending a weekend with her and other friends. A little later I arrived home. He came out of his room, we exchanged a few friendly words while he was scratching a dog's tummy. He left the room and shortly after hung himself. We found him about ten minutes to late and, with the assistance of 000, were unable to revive him.
As a father I have been left feeling a complete failure. Firstly for never considering that he could be suicidal. And secondly for being a little slow to fully address the conundrum he had to be living. The best he got out of me was "if your girlfriend likes girls, it's not going to end happy". All I was contemplating was a few months moping, nothing as dramatic as what was to happen.
It would not have completely been the hopelessness of this otherwise sound friendship. The topsy turvy mood of the world would have been in there to. En masse, each generation seems to be a little more lost when it comes to just what this world that they have born into exactly happens to be.
I would give anything for Abraham to still be alive and developing into his adulthood. And he probably would be if I could have got these words public before he died. Beyond the Copernican revolution, the solar system looks like being a corkscrewing gearbox advancing around a galaxy. That's what those words are. If they are accurate and the world ever gets to understand them, the overall mood of the world should lift considerably.